[04/13 07:39] かんりにん:さーものども深雪じゃああ
[04/13 11:19] 匿名さん:お館さまにつづけぇぇぇ~~ざくざく
[04/13 11:35] rctummdsgk:tnbejhvnjob, http://www.exheaatfia.com gidhlxfces
[04/13 16:24] よしよし:早速SPAMが…。
[04/13 16:24] よしよし:あ、この場合"spam"ですね。訂正します。
[04/13 16:25] よしよし:ああジョイナス…。前監督やった時はここまで酷かったっけ? 最下位奪取に相応しい戦いぶりです。
[04/13 17:58] ぐみぐみ:深雪じゃなくて新雪でしたね。spamはこれでも98%くらいはブロックできてるようなのでこぼれたのはまあ無視ということで(.comをブロックワードに入れてもいいかもだけど様子見)
[04/13 18:14] ぐみぐみ:今日の中日はマエケン相手だったから仕方が無い面も
[04/13 21:38] sracpprnya:fixpmhvnjob, http://www.zfuuosuexr.com pmqmlkicxw
[04/16 21:22] ぐみぐみ:セリーグで貯金してるの巨人だけしかないという恐ろしい状況に…
[04/17 19:46] ぐみぐみ:勝ち試合でも負け試合でも同点でも岡田を投入する中日
[04/17 21:25] よしよし:全部勝ちに行く采配ですね。読売のような巨大戦力でも失敗するのに、まして中日でやって…。そしてついにセは5球団が借金突入。
[04/18 09:31] 匿名さん:というか巨人以外の5球団が仲良く7勝…なんだこれw
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[04/20 19:28] ぐみぐみ:田島田島雨田島 雨雨田島雨田島
[04/20 19:30] ぐみぐみ:まだペナント長いんだから田島武藤岡田はもうちょっと大事に扱わないと浅尾の二の舞に・・
[04/24 22:09] よしよし:読売と埼玉西武の大独走。まるで藤田監督と森監督の時代に戻ったかのようです…。
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[05/04 23:49] ぐみぐみ:中日ほんとに調子上がりませんねー。巨人はヤクルトに3タテされて当初の勢いほどは無くなったけれどもコンスタントに勝ちを重ねる日々
[05/05 23:11] よしよし:ドラゴンズは、相変わらず投手の無駄遣いで息切れする采配。山本昌投手は確かにぴりっとしませんでしたが、ワンポイントで三瀬投手を使ったのは無駄でしょう。そしてブランコ選手に打たれてソーサ投手に抑えられるという展開。観戦に行ってさっき帰って来たのですが、まー、中村紀洋選手はおめでとうございます。
[05/05 23:13] よしよし:そして、息をするようにカープを三タテしたジャイアンツ。安倍首相を招待したナベツネ氏もお喜びでしょう。カープの成績を、ブラウン前監督と比較したデータを作った方がいて、どの球団にもそれなりに戦うブラウン時代と、他球団、特にジャイアンツ戦ははっきり捨て、ベイスターズから集中して勝ち星を稼ぐようになった野村監督時代と、その露骨さには驚きました。トータルの成績は大差ないのですけどね。
[05/05 23:30] ぐみぐみ:観戦お疲れ様でした。DeNA相手に2勝7敗、それも普通に負けという試合が多くストレス溜まるところですね..
[05/05 23:41] よしよし:球団にブランコ選手を本気で引き留める気が無かったようにしか見えなかったので、「知ってた」ではありました。それにしても、これほど見事に自分で立てた死亡フラグを回収されるとは、髙木監督とドラゴンズフロントは度しがたいうつけです。
[05/06 00:02] よしよし:横浜DeNAに注文するなら、読売にも一つくらい勝って下さい(現在0勝5敗)。
[05/09 22:19] ぐみぐみ:今年の巨人は阪神に完全に苦手状態になってしまいました。まあペナント的にはこれくらいの差のほうがドキドキ感がありますが。しかし中日は吉見も離脱でいいニュースが何一つ無い…どうしてこうなった
[05/09 22:29] よしよし:これまでのドラゴンズは、中継ぎの使い回しで持って来たのですが、常に酷使と紙一重でした。今年は完全に一線を越えた印象です。今までより確実に、先発を早く下ろしてしまうのですから、その分中継ぎ陣の負担は増える。特に田島投手は、今のうちに二軍に逃げて欲しい…。
[05/09 22:51] ぐみぐみ:【登板数】1位.岡田(D:20) 2位.田島(D:19) 4位.武藤(D:16) 権藤さん切っちゃったから止まりませんねえ
[05/09 23:01] よしよし:権藤さんも「落合の酷使が」とか言いながら浅尾投手を連投させて壊しましたが、今年は輪を掛けて酷い。果たしてどこまで墜ちますかね。
[05/09 23:10] よしよし:http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130509-00000002-nkgendai-spo 「意外な」ではなく「果たせるかな」「案の定」と言うべきでしょう。日刊ゲンダイとは言え、確かに坂井社長なら言いそうな発言です。社交辞令すら言わないのは、本当に谷繁選手に指導者として残ってほしくないんでしょうね…。「外様」だから。
[05/09 23:55] ぐみぐみ:しゃべる机のゲンダイは話半分が妥当だけど、谷繁クラスはしっかり厚遇して抱えておかないと、5年後くらいには横浜谷繁監督が誕生してしまいそうです
[05/10 00:05] よしよし:まあ、横浜で監督になるのはいいのですけどね…。そもそもあそこは、生え抜きで機能した監督がほとんどいませんから(二度の優勝はどちらも純粋な外様監督)、未来のベイスターズにとって適任には違いありません。落合前監督を放逐してからのドラゴンズコーチ陣は生え抜きで固めているので、むしろゲンダイの記事は誰でも考えつきそうです。そもそも、髙木監督からして、素直に谷繁選手の偉業を祝福すればいいのに、谷繁選手のせいで負けたかのように聞こえかねない発言してましたから。 http://www.nikkansports.com/baseball/news/f-bb-tp0-20130506-1123337.html
[05/10 00:09] よしよし:生え抜き監督と言えばジャイアンツですが(ただしコーチの外様率は逆に高い)、ファイターズが生え抜きを監督にしないのは徹底しています。日本ハムが親会社になってから、生え抜き監督はフライヤーズ時代の選手だった土橋正幸氏ただ一人、しかも一年で退任。それでいて、北海道移転後はおおむね好成績ですから、ここは冷徹なフロントの勝利と言うべきなのですかねえ。
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[05/11 11:03] rdtczvuozc:tasythvnjob, http://www.qecitutfwx.com tlymqbldpj
[05/11 13:59] rfjzesmihh:rmtuehvnjob, http://www.rdbkezcuxa.com qxdzkoporj
[05/11 20:06] よしよし:昨日は「ベイスターズ、この日も追いつかない程度の反撃」で終わると思っていたので、本当にあの結末は驚きました。こんな試合もあるんですねえ。そしてドラゴンズは今季初の3連勝で最下位脱出。一息付きましたが、田島投手が心配です。
[05/12 00:03] ぐみぐみ:今日はギリギリ勝った巨人。しかし当初の独走っぷりが嘘のように落ちてきてしまったので、とても楽観視できなくなってしまいました(CS進出逃すことはありえないとは思うけど)
[05/12 22:38] よしよし:もはや田島投手は一刻の猶予もなりません。早く逃げてー!!
[05/14 21:04] ぐみぐみ:田島OUT 武藤IN 2軍では1試合も投げなくていいから肩を休ませないとね
[05/14 22:53] よしよし:そして早速登板した武藤投手。勝ったからいいようなものの、また同じ事の繰り返しは止めて下さい。
[05/24 21:07] よしよし:相変わらず5位をさまようドラゴンズですが、CSに関していえば普通に圏内。夏場に飛ばして息切れする、カープパターンにならないよう願います。とにかく選手たちは無事でいて下さい。
[05/25 22:09] ぐみぐみ:しかし巨人と阪神が若干上に位置していて、残り4チームで1枠を争うような戦いになってますね。まあこのままのゲーム差で進むわけはないでしょうけれども
[05/29 00:13] よしよし:エキサイティングリーグが強いおかげで、負けてもゲーム差が変わらないのはいいのか悪いのか。しかし懲りずに田島投手を酷使…
[05/29 21:57] ぐみぐみ:今日もエキサイティングリーグ強し
[05/30 20:29] ぐみぐみ:【登板数】1位.岡田(D:28) 2位.田島(D:26) 3位.武藤(D:24) 一度落としてる割にはベスト3独占…これが酷使無双か
[05/31 22:32] よしよし:珍しくドラゴンズがセの一人勝ち。しかし先発の岩田投手は3回降板。4失点ですから今日は理解できるレベルですが5人継投…うーん。
[06/01 22:43] よしよし:見事大谷投手の引き立て役を演じたドラゴンズ。DH無しにするのかな、と少し期待しましたが、普通にDH使って来ていました。そのDHのアブレイユ選手に3ランを食らったのですから、ファイターズはこれでよかったようです。そしてとうとう、交流戦の借金持ちはセ6球団のみになりました。
[06/02 16:50] ぐみぐみ:巨人の勢いが交流戦に入って完全に終わった・・まあ一度首位陥落して気持ちを入れ替えてもらいましょう
[06/03 23:53] よしよし:今日はセで読売だけ勝つ当番だったようです。ここ最近、パの5勝1敗がやけに目に付きます。それでも全勝は無いあたり、記録の難しさを感じます(5勝1中止の日はある)。
[06/04 22:21] ぐみぐみ:いやーオージー戦もうだめかと思ったわ…
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[06/19 10:27] 匿名さん:むほ、しばらく来てなかったら凄いことに…
[06/19 14:22] よしよし:いったいこの荒らしは何者…
[06/19 23:29] ぐみぐみ:BOTNetのランダムスパムですな。ほとんどのスパムワードはカット済なのですが、http:だけはまだ残していたのですよね。これ禁止にするとアドレス貼りにくくなるし
[06/19 23:29] ぐみぐみ:viagraだけスパムワードに入れてお茶濁そうかしら..
[06/19 23:30] ぐみぐみ:仕事が忙しくて最近あまり各種チェックができてない状況なんですが、今年もパリーグはやはり強かった・・
[06/20 00:03] よしよし:今年もパが貯金20。だが、しっかり貯金3で終えたジャイアンツは流石と言うべきか。貯金1のタイガースが追い、あとのセ4球団はお察し下さい。こうしてみると、パは戦力差が拮抗してますね。ライオンズが借金2の他は全部貯金作ったし。
[06/20 12:44] 匿名さん:今年の阪神はちょっと前の中日に近い感じですね、巨人は例年通りだけど全体的にやや劣化してる感じ。だからこの2つが争う様相になってると思う
[06/21 03:34] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 03:51] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 04:07] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 04:24] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 04:40] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 04:57] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 05:13] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 05:36] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 06:07] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 06:37] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 06:53] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 07:09] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 07:24] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 08:03] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 08:17] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 08:33] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 08:49] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 09:06] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 09:22] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 09:39] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 09:56] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 10:12] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 10:29] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 10:46] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 11:20] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 11:41] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 11:57] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 12:14] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 12:33] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 12:49] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 13:05] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 13:22] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 13:40] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 13:57] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 14:15] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 14:32] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 14:50] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 15:08] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 15:25] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 15:41] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 15:58] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 16:18] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 16:32] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 16:50] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 17:07] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 17:26] Monsters High:http://monsterschool-shop.ruhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/sitemap.xmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map10.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map11.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map12.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map13.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map14.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map15.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map16.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map17.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map18.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map19.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map2.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map20.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map21.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/monsterschool-shop-map22.htmlhttp://monsterschool-shop.ru/mo
[06/21 23:23] よしよし:なんじゃこりゃ
[06/22 00:29] かんりにん:スパム書き込みがさすがに激しかったので、しばらくhttpを禁止ワードに追加してみよう…
[06/22 00:46] ぐみぐみ:しかし中日はここから上向く可能性はあるんかね果たして
[06/22 15:13] よしよし:無いでしょ。とは言え、3位の可能性はまだ十分あるのが嘘みたいな話。
[06/22 22:00] よしよし:何とか勝ちました。セの3位は借金抱えたままのCSが現実味を帯びてきています。もし出られるものなら5割には戻して欲しいですが…。それで酷使されては元も子もないので、今のまま乗り切って貰うしかないか。
[06/28 21:01] ぐみぐみ:ようやく山井があの悪夢から解き放たれたのだった・・。え、今季チーム初完投とかマジすかw
[06/28 21:58] よしよし:もっとも、あの時は自分から森コーチに降板するといったそうですけどね。それにしても完全試合は見たかったですが…。シーズン中にも9回まで無安打でその後打たれた事があったので、三度目の正直です。おめでとう!!
[06/28 21:59] よしよし:なお完投の最少記録は横浜の2。流石に山井投手だけで終わりでは無いですよね…。
[06/29 22:40] ぐみぐみ:横浜2完投しかないシーズンがあったのははじめて知りましたw そんなことあるんですねと思ったけど横浜は三浦以外完投できるピッチャーを思い出せないから困る
[06/30 00:35] よしよし:今日の横浜DeNA-中日戦は、その三浦投手と山本昌投手の先発。二人合わせて86歳だ!
[06/30 00:48] よしよし:そうかURLは撥ねられるのでした。NPBサイトに拠れば、横浜は2010年、11年と連続完投2。内訳は2010年大家、清水が各1。2011年三浦2。なお同じ年の中日は2010年、11年共に12。読売は2010年3、2011年12。
[06/30 00:49] よしよし:2010年は山本昌投手の最後の完投・完封も記録(45歳24日)。もち日本球界最年長記録です。
[07/03 11:34] 匿名さん:昌はファミスタ2作目の87からいるんだよなぁ…本当凄いわ
[07/06 00:08] ぐみぐみ:そう考えると本当にすごいなw
[07/08 00:00] よしよし:そういうしているうちにドラゴンズの自力優勝が消滅。方や、東京ドームでは、ベイスターズとジャイアンツの力の差が歴然としすぎていてもう…。
[07/25 00:25] よしよし:参院選で盗聴法は元より、エドワード=スノーデン氏の暴露をはじめとする国際的な盗聴・諜報活動が全然争点にならずに終了。ううむ、これは…
[08/07 15:19] よしよし: 犯罪の通信傍受、適用範囲を拡大へ 法務省検討 2013/8/5 2:00 日本経済新聞 電子版 ttp://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS04018_U3A800C1MM8000/ とうとう来ました…
[08/08 01:35] ぐみぐみ:ねじれ状態は国の推進力がなくなって好きではないけど、解消されたらされたで機は熟したとばかりこういうのが次々やってくるんですよね・・
[08/08 02:42] よしよし:法制審議会で話が進んでいたので、そろそろ来そうな頃合いではありました。2015年成立に向け、国会のスケジュールはたっぷりあります。参院選では景気回復やTPP、原発、改憲、歴史認識問題など他に争点が山積みでしたから、結果としてほぼ素通り。米国NSA、英国GCHQなどによる情報収集も、与野党共に見過ごされ勝ちだったのは、うーん…。
[08/08 02:46] よしよし:五月倶楽部の設定上のデビュー年まであと10年。ネットゲームやSNSなどでそれなりに近い環境は実装され、五感全てを再現する、五月倶楽部そのものの実用化も見えて来ました。楽しみではあるのですが…。三田沼さんのようなハッカーに期待しましょうか。 ttp://nikkan-spa.jp/467741
[08/09 23:02] よしよし:ついに、というか、ジャイアンツにマジック点灯。途中リードされても最後に必ず勝っている試合ばかり。相手ファンとしては溜まった物ではありませんが、これが抑え投手の差でしょうね。
[08/09 23:16] ぐみぐみ:去年ほどの勢いは無いなあと思っていてもなんだかんだ大負けすることもなく、唯一食らいついてきた阪神との差もだいぶ開いちゃいましたね<M点灯
[08/10 21:45] よしよし:2位とは互角だが、3位以下から貯金を荒稼ぎしているのは去年とそっくり。ただ違いは、横浜が去年ほど極端に弱くは無くなり(ただし読売相手には相変わらず)、一方中日の弱体化に拍車が掛かっているため、ドベカスがドングリの背比べになり、CS争いの熾烈さに拍車が掛かっています。…はずでしたが、横浜今日も負けて9連敗。このまま脱落するのか、それとも…
[08/24 22:44] よしよし:ついにゴールデンイーグルスがマジックに王手。田中投手という絶対的エースを擁しているとは言え、エースの試合はしっかり打線も援護するあたり、この球団はいい感じに回転しています。ドラゴンズ? ナゴヤドームで勝てないようでは…。
[08/25 10:56] ぐみぐみ:昨日の岩瀬の失敗は色々痛かったですね…。でも1年通してみれば今年は岩瀬はほんと頑張ってますよね。一時は介護とかさんざん言われていただけに
[08/25 10:57] ぐみぐみ:巨人がMついたり消えたりしているうちに楽天がM点灯チャンスを迎えるとは。まだパリーグは何だかんだ波乱ありそうな気はしますがCS進出は堅そうですね。オリックスと楽天どこで差がついた…
[08/25 15:41] ぐみぐみ:今日のほうがひどいw>中日
[08/28 21:47] よしよし:今日は山本昌投手の投打に渡る活躍(セの最高齢安打&打点更新)でドラゴンズは何とか勝ちました。しかし、セ・パ同時マジック点灯は出来過ぎです。
[08/30 22:25] ぐみぐみ:山本昌はもう鉄人中の鉄人ですな…。セリーグは1・2位はもう確定したと言ってよいけどあとは3位にどこが割り込むか
[09/12 12:04] よしよし:強い時は8月から俄然強くなるのが読売。……しかし横浜DeNA、善戦健闘までは行くのにどうしてこうも黒星ばかり並べるんだろう…。昨日も見事なまでの追いつかない程度の反撃でした。
[09/13 21:54] ぐみぐみ:セは言うまでもないとして(ここまで差が開くとは)、パリーグもどうやら楽天でほぼ決まりですね。あとは3位争いのみ。DeNAはちょっと厳しそうだから中日と広島のデッドヒートかな。
[09/14 22:17] よしよし:と思いきやドラゴンズはあっさり完封負け。11年ぶりに本拠地負け越しも決定し、まだまだCSに向けた負け比べは続きそうです。
[09/15 22:15] ぐみぐみ:バレンティンまじすごいなあ
[09/16 00:30] よしよし:流石に足踏みか、と思いましたが56号を放つとすぐに連発。これでまずアジア一は確定しました。違うリーグを同列には扱えないとは言え、あとは60号、そして大リーグ記録にどこまで迫れるかです。
[09/16 07:07] ぐみぐみ:広島はこのまま3位確保すれば1997三村監督以来かー。CSはマエケンで1勝取れる見込みなので上がってくると結構やばいw
[09/17 14:39] よしよし:ジャイアンツはすっかり若手お試しモードですね。流石に三タテ食らうとは思いませんでした。カープは去年まで失速していた9月に照準を合わせる事に成功し、このままCSになだれ込む勢いです。逆転があるとしたら、むしろベイスターズでしょう。
[09/17 22:09] ぐみぐみ:なんだかんだ最後中日が地力見せて上がってくるのかなと思っていたら広島が一気に3位固めちゃいましたね。巨人は3タテ食らってもモリモリMだけ減っていって余裕モードです。ベイスは頑張っても4位といったところでしょうなあ
[09/17 22:18] よしよし:投手力で持って来たチームが、投手陣を破壊したらこうなるのは知ってた。
[09/17 22:23] よしよし:このままナゴヤドームで胴上げを見せられそう…。タイガースは2位すら危ない有様だから、追い上げもクソもない。ドラゴンズが何とか自力で勝つしかありません。
[09/18 21:48] よしよし:何とかナゴヤでの胴上げは回避。あとは東京ドームで勝手にして下さい。
[09/22 11:46] ぐみぐみ:今日あたり優勝決まるかな
[09/22 22:26] よしよし:というわけでジャイアンツ優勝おめでとうございます。負けて胴上げ、にならないところが圧倒的な実力差なのでしょうね。ドラゴンズ再建は茨の道ですが…。
[09/22 22:49] ぐみぐみ:13ゲーム離して優勝、最後は圧倒的でした。今年の打線は坂本長野がやや湿りましたが変わりに村田ロペスと埋める存在が出来て爆発的な打線こそなかったものの後半欲しいときに点が取れたのが大きいです。投手陣では菅野加入で先発の穴がふさがり、スコット鉄太郎が大車輪。死角がないわけではなかったけれど普通に戦力圧倒していましたね
[09/22 23:16] ぐみぐみ:ワロタ 【速報】タイガース優勝!!!! ttp://blog.livedoor.jp/yakiusoku/archives/54026333.html
[09/23 23:50] よしよし:若松監督より破壊力が大きいです。
[09/23 23:51] よしよし:ttp://www.sponichi.co.jp/baseball/news/2013/09/22/kiji/K20130922006669560.html 原監督(5)
[09/26 11:38] 匿名さん:2012セ ttp://bis.npb.or.jp/2012/stats/std_c.html 2013セ ttp://bis.npb.or.jp/2013/stats/std_c.html 結局読売の独走はさらに進み、他の5球団の潰し合いが酷くなっただけという結果に。戦力の均衡は望ましいことですが、このまま1強5弱が出来てしまうと非常に不味い…。
[09/26 11:38] よしよし:さっきの匿名さんは私です。
[09/28 09:06] ぐみぐみ:巨人は去年より弱かった印象はあるんだけど、それでも連続で10ゲーム以上ぶっちぎってる時点でどう見ても1強体制ですよね。中日は来期巻き返しなるかどうか
[10/01 17:30] よしよし:9月の成績を見たら、セはタイガースの一人負け。6勝16敗2分で全借金を背負いました。ジャイアンツは10勝10敗2分で、ひと頃の勢いはありませんが、それ以上にタイガースの大失速が際立ちました。…星奈々さんの高笑いが聞こえる……。
[10/09 20:57] ぐみぐみ:まさかの落合氏GMか・・他球団ファン的には監督再登板に比べればマシだけど今年よりは少なくとも手ごわくなりそうですw 坂井氏よさらば
[10/12 00:19] よしよし:あからさまに権力闘争ですね。坂井派(実際には、おそらく旧新愛知の大島派)のフロント連中が追放されています。ttp://number.bunshun.jp/articles/-/714582 坂井氏はざまあみろですが、もし来季も転けたら野球そっちのけで坂井氏らが逆襲に転じるでしょうから、とても楽観出来る物ではありません。
[10/12 00:22] よしよし:ttp://www.chunichi.co.jp/ee/feature/dragons/kiji_131010_e.html しかし、白井オーナーが「予算の枠の中で」と最初に釘を刺した以上、大規模な補強は出来ないでしょう。そこをどうやりくりするかがGMの手腕なのですが、監督采配とは別の、人脈や根回しの手腕が要求される仕事。谷繁新監督が、野村克也氏の通算出場試合記録を更新すべく現役続行する事も含め、ドラゴンズファンとしても応援しつつ、おそるおそる見守りたいです。
[10/13 23:01] ぐみぐみ:まあ、中日の来年は外から見るといろいろ楽しみがありそうですなあ
[10/13 23:01] ぐみぐみ:そして阪神は相変わらずCSに弱すぎる…
[10/14 03:36] よしよし:桧山選手の空砲、2003年日本シリーズの広澤さんとオーバーラップ…。とは言え、あの場面で流石に手抜きは難しいでしょうから、お見事、お疲れ様でした。
[10/14 03:42] よしよし:藤浪投手を第1戦に立てたのは、彼が「甲子園で強い」「ジャイアンツには普通だが甲子園で負けている」「カープには圧倒的に抑えている」投手なので不自然には思いませんでした。でも、ポストシーズンで若手を立てると裏目に出る事が多いですね…。能見投手はファイナルステージを見据えて温存しようとしたのでしょうが、結果的に宝の持ち腐れでした。
[10/14 20:45] ぐみぐみ:能見使わずエンドではそりゃ色々言われて仕方ないですよね…。そしてロッテが勢いで勝っていたはずの西武を撃破して両リーグともに3位チームが第2ステージ進出ですか。まあ、2・3位間のアドバンテージ差は小さいので波乱という感じではないにしても、広島が巨人食っちゃうと大変なことになるだろうなあw
[10/14 21:58] よしよし:広島が読売を食う可能性は低いでしょうが(東京ドームで4勝しなければならないのは厳しい)、千葉ロッテは東北楽天相手にやりかねない実績があります。場の空気を無視する事には定評のある球団なので。
[10/16 22:37] ぐみぐみ:今日は西村の球が荒れまくりだったけど、まあやっぱり巨人側がリードにひとたび入っちゃうと山口マシソン西村の黄金リレーコース。アドバンテージ側の初戦勝利は言うまでもなく大きいわあ
[10/17 22:29] ぐみぐみ:マエケンの中4作戦は伏兵寺内の前に陥落。さすがにここから広島4連勝は無理だろうなあ
[10/17 23:13] よしよし:相変わらず読売は序盤リードされてもさくさくっと逆転して逃げ切り、逆にリードしている時は逆転負けにはならない。力の入れどころ、抜きどころをわきまえているのでしょうね。その極端な例が、今日も勝った東北楽天の田中投手でしょう。
[10/17 23:15] よしよし:リーグ優勝を決めた試合でも、走者を出してからの投球はそれまでと全く違いました。走者を出されてから本気出すのは別に田中投手に限った話ではありませんが、普通の投手はもちろん、一流投手でも本気を出す前に打ち崩されたり一発浴びて黒星になる事が二度や三度はある物です。今年の田中投手は、とうとう一度も負けなかった。
[10/18 20:57] よしよし:という訳でジャイアンツあっさり日本シリーズ進出おめでとうございます。カープのスミ1から全て読売ペースでした。
[10/18 21:57] ぐみぐみ:もう少しは苦戦するとは思っていたんですけどねえ(・・; 広島からすると何もできないまま終わってしまった感じ
[10/18 23:17] ぐみぐみ:"野村監督「3連敗したが劣ってるとは思わない」"(ttp://www.nikkansports.com/baseball/news/f-bb-tp0-20131018-1206135.html)// ねぎらうコメントなのは分かるけど差は結構あったような(^^;
[10/19 00:06] よしよし:遺憾ながらその通りでしょうね。点数だけをみると接戦で、「試合になってる」とは言えるのですが、読売にとって全て想定の範囲内という印象でした。初戦、広島・赤松選手の暴走で試合終了しましたが、これも象徴的な差と思います。読売はこの手の凡ミスが非常に少ない。
[10/19 00:08] よしよし:一方、パは千葉ロッテが勝ち、まだもう一波乱ありそうです。東北楽天は、追い付いてサヨナラ勝ちパターンに来たのに負けたのは、やはりセほど実力の差は大きくないからだと思います。もちろん、田中投手を擁する楽天が、依然として有利ですが。
[10/19 00:15] よしよし:やっぱり、野球は投手力ということです。読売の先発は意外に打たれますが、抑えが盤石なので気が付けば逆転勝利している。一番わかりやすいのが横浜DeNA戦で、打撃戦が多いですが、横浜は投手陣が悲惨な結果、対戦成績は読売の18勝5敗1分と大差が付きました。 ttp://baseball.yahoo.co.jp/npb/teams/3/stats
[10/19 18:28] ぐみぐみ:今日ロッテが勝ったら面白くなるところでしたが、楽天もさすが首位チーム。ロッテこのあと2連勝しても最後マーくんというジョーカーが控えているだけにこれは厳しくなりました
[10/21 21:52] よしよし:ゴールデンイーグルスが、順当に日本シリーズ進出を決めました。マリーンズが今日明日勝って、明後日田中投手相手に最終決戦だったら面白いと思っていましたが、割とあっさり決まりました。ただし、今日田中投手を出したのは蛇足だったように思います。
[10/22 23:13] ぐみぐみ:森繁氏もヘッドコーチ復帰か…こりゃ来年は手強い
[10/24 20:22] よしよし:闘神都市(正確にはⅡ)とニンテンドー3DSの取り合わせには流石に驚きました。ttp://www.famitsu.com/news/201310/24042133.html これが出るくらいなら五月倶楽部も…
[10/26 22:12] よしよし:本日のジャイアンツの勝因は銀次選手と寺内選手の守備力の差。相手の失策をしっかり物にする強さが光った試合でした。こんな試合ではイーグルスの明日は暗い。
[10/26 22:47] ぐみぐみ:ヒット数では楽天圧倒してたんですけどね~
[10/26 23:14] ぐみぐみ:明日はマーくん出撃ということで明日は巨人負けを織り込んで見る予定だけど、逆に明日田中で楽天が負けたらもうほとんど巨人日本一の流れですよねぇ(楽天は田中則本に続くレベルの3番手4番手がいない)
[10/26 23:53] ぐみぐみ:今シーズンの巨人が6回を1点でもリードして迎えた場合の勝敗→60勝3敗 って書き込みがあったけどこの通りなら恐ろしいな・・
[10/27 02:01] よしよし:確かに勝っている時はそのまま逃げ切るし、途中まで負けていてもかなりの確率で逆転勝利していた印象があります。中継ぎ・抑えの絶対的な強さですね。
[10/28 15:32] よしよし:田中投手は昨日も負けなかった。怪しい判定もありましたが…。しかし、明日から魔境東京ドーム。ここでイーグルスが勝てるか?
[10/29 21:56] ぐみぐみ:下馬評とは裏腹に楽天快勝。これは雲行きがだいぶ怪しくなってきました。というか巨人はCSから軒並み貧打なんですよね
[10/29 23:43] よしよし:いや、ここでまだ五分でしょう。イーグルスとしては、変に色気を出さず全力を出すしかありません。
[10/30 22:31] ぐみぐみ:今日は楽天側の12四死球+巨人のスパイといわれかねない宮川の出来のおかげで勝ちを何とか拾った形でしたが勝ちは勝ち。初回から打たれたときはどうなることかと思いました…
[10/30 23:24] よしよし:敢えて言おう。知ってた。
[10/30 23:34] よしよし:相手の先制攻撃→逆転→山口 これが読売の必勝パターン。やはり東北楽天は、まだまだ隙が多いですね…。
[10/31 22:09] ぐみぐみ:9回裏追いついたところまでは巨人の流れだったんですけどねー。まあ序盤から点を取られる展開はやっぱり辛いです。で、仙台に戻ってジョーカーの田中相手も含めて巨人には2連勝が必須となりました。さすがにこれは追い詰められた…
[10/31 22:09] ぐみぐみ:昨日マシソン2イニング使っちゃったので今日投入できなかったのが痛かったわん…
[10/31 22:26] よしよし:今日読売が勝てばほぼ決まりと思っていましたが、延長戦で逆転出来た事は、東北楽天にとって大きな壁を突破出来たと言えます。これで完全に、田中投手次第になりました。
[11/02 21:55] ぐみぐみ:なんとか最終戦にもつれ込んだか・・山口マシソンが出てきたときの安心っぷり
[11/02 22:20] よしよし:完全に読売の日本一ペース。最終戦は長引けば長引くほど読売日本一に近付きます。東北楽天は、序盤で点を取るしか無いのですが…4点5点リードでは全く安心出来ませんからね……。
[11/02 22:24] ぐみぐみ:田中はもう使えない。則本もこないだ5イニングだっけ?使っちゃったので出すにはちょっと厳しい。この点では杉内を投入できる巨人の方が有利かもしれないけど、まあ五分五分かなと見てます。7回時に巨人側がリードしてたらもうもらった状態ですけれども
[11/02 22:43] よしよし:あすの予告先発 ゴールデンイーグルス:美馬 ジャイアンツ:杉内
[11/03 22:03] よしよし:美馬投手の大活躍でゴールデンイーグルスが日本一。これは想定外でした。ともあれ、おめでとうございます。
[11/07 02:37] よしよし:井端選手88%減俸呈示→退団に始まる粛清の嵐…。落合氏がフロント入りしたことで、ある程度は予想すべきでしたが、ドラゴンズはどうなるのだろう…。
[11/08 08:00] ぐみぐみ:物凄い厳冬更改が続いてますね…落合氏が査定したとか言えば文句言いにくいチーム内の雰囲気もありそうな
[11/23 00:35] よしよし:そして井端選手はジャイアンツへ。この展開は春には想像のしようがなかった。
[11/23 06:28] ぐみぐみ:(*゚ー゚)/~[熱烈歓迎巨人良打者井端選手] 中日一筋いぶし銀の選手でしたものねえ。違和感のある展開ですが、巨人側としては楽しみにしてまっす
[11/24 16:57] よしよし:しかし読売、守備位置が同じ片岡治大選手も取るという報道が。相変わらずですねえ…。
[11/30 03:17] よしよし:いつの間にか英語版Wikipediaから五月倶楽部の記事が削除されていました。何があったのか…。
[12/05 20:19] ぐみぐみ:巨人が全然マシに思えるソフトバンクの総取り戦略 イデホ サファテ ウルフ スタンリッジ 中田 鶴岡…
[12/18 01:35] よしよし:ホークスって、元いる選手も悪くないはずなのに…。そして今年も順調に原稿が出来ない。盗聴法関連記事多すぎ…。
[12/20 22:12] よしよし:あぶさんが(今更)ホークスを退団して連載終了のお知らせ。
[12/21 22:45] ぐみぐみ:数年前に辞めるとかいうニュースを見たような気がしたので、あれまだ続いていたんだ?って感じでしたね>あぶさん
[12/28 08:52] ぐみぐみ:待望の冬休みじゃあああ
[01/02 01:42] よしよし:年末はコミケット準備と年賀状とコミケットで怒闘の如く暮れていった…。という訳で、2014年も宜しくお願いします。
[01/02 01:44] よしよし:毎年ギリギリまで原稿が出来上がらず、会場製本する悪癖を何とかしたい…。8月にみっちり冬コミの計画を立てたのに、いざ着手したのは12月18日。
[01/02 01:44] よしよし:そしてまずは修正しきれなかった乱丁や誤記の訂正告知からです、とほほ。
[01/02 19:24] ぐみぐみ:あけまして今年もよろしくお願いします(*゚ー゚)
[01/02 19:25] ぐみぐみ:体調崩してコミケ3日目行けなくなったのは痛恨でした(;_;
[03/05 21:35] ぐみぐみ:"浅尾、開幕絶望か=右肘を精密検査―プロ野球・中日" ttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140305-00000104-jij-spo 今年も浅尾きゅん駄目っぽいなあ
[03/25 23:18] よしよし:気が付けば開幕。投手は潰しが利きません…。
[03/28 23:25] ぐみぐみ:巨人の初戦は打線が爆発。とはいえシーズンの出来はどちらかというと投手の安定性の方がより重要。中日は……良くも悪くも次の世代に移る前の過渡期といった印象(川上が開幕投手、岩瀬が抑えというあたりで)に見えますがどうなりますかねー
[07/08 03:22] よしよし:通信傍受拡大へ…法制審、窃盗や詐欺など9種類 2014年07月01日 06時29分 ttp://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/20140630-OYT1T50145.html 知ってた。とは言え集団的自衛権の記事に埋もれてしまい、両方大推進の読売が一番盗聴法強化の記事での扱いが大きかった。このまま行けば来年にも法律として通ってしまう…。
[07/08 03:24] よしよし:これらとほぼ同時進行で法人税減税や北朝鮮拉致交渉なども進めていて、自民党の手数の多さというか、同時進行出来る人材の分厚さを痛感します。
[07/08 03:26] よしよし:そしてプロ野球セ・リーグはこれまた読売の独走ムード。先制または一度は追いつくも結局抑えが打たれて負けるのが読売戦の定番。もう見飽きました。そしてパ・リーグは東北楽天で代行とは言え、大久保氏が監督になってしまった。早晩時限爆弾が爆発しそうですが…。
[07/16 22:56] ぐみぐみ:巨人も独走というほど圧倒的ではなくて、広島と阪神の猛追を受けながらの後半戦ですね。中日もまだ一応もりかえせる位置にいるんだけど打力は慢性不足気味+安定した投手が不足している感が否めず優勝戦線は少し厳しいかな
[07/16 22:56] ぐみぐみ:しりゅうさんは最近元気してるかしら…
[09/09 02:01] よしよし:8月20敗(セ記録、日本記録は楽天が初年度に記録した21敗のはず)でドラゴンズ万事休す。…山本昌投手凄すぎます。
[09/29 13:36] 匿名さん:生存報告…最近は色んな意味で大田から目が話せませんw
[10/02 17:47] ぐみぐみ:おおー生きてた(?)。大田は来年が勝負ですなあ
[10/09 12:52] 匿名さん:巨人も入れ替わり期ですしね、今年みると阿部のチームから坂本のチームに変わり始めた年という感じ
[03/28 10:14] ぐみぐみ:\今年もプロ野球が開幕したぞー/
[03/28 10:16] ぐみぐみ:今年はDeNAが色々力強く見え……たと思ってたんだけど打の中心になるはずだったグリエルがあんな感じになって波に乗れるかかなり怪しい。巨人は投手陣の仕上がりが悪いので他の球団は序盤チャンス?あと広島は黒田を迎え今年こそはと息巻いてますが、元から陣容は厚いと言えないので長期戦どう凌いでいくかといったところですか
[03/28 10:17] ぐみぐみ:ヤクルトはダークホース。阪神は強敵だけど昨年から特に変わりばえしてない感。中日はどうなんでしょ
[04/26 16:30] Destiny:The manager
[04/26 16:30] Orlando:Jonny was here
[04/26 16:30] Lewis:I can't get a signal
[04/26 16:30] Lavern:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/26 16:30] Mckinley:Excellent work, Nice Design
[04/26 16:30] Waylon:What line of work are you in?
[04/26 16:30] Abigail:I'd like to open a business account
[04/26 16:30] Antoine:I like watching football
[04/26 16:30] Walker:Go travelling
[04/26 16:30] Marcelo:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/26 16:53] Quintin:I've just graduated
[04/26 16:53] Edmundo:A staff restaurant
[04/26 16:53] Garrett:Whereabouts are you from?
[04/26 16:53] Michal:Looking for a job
[04/26 16:53] Alonso:I'm self-employed
[04/26 16:53] Hollis:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/26 16:53] Rodney:I'm a partner in
[04/26 16:53] Roscoe:A packet of envelopes
[04/26 16:53] Kennith:Insert your card
[04/26 16:53] Chauncey:How do you spell that?
[04/26 17:27] Richard:An accountancy practice
[04/26 17:27] Salvatore:Remove card
[04/26 17:27] Sherwood:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/26 17:27] Maynard:Gloomy tales
[04/26 17:27] Leland:I'd like a phonecard, please
[04/26 17:27] Freddie:One moment, please
[04/26 17:27] Elvin:I like watching football
[04/26 17:27] Melvin:I've just graduated
[04/26 17:27] Ronnie:Which team do you support?
[04/26 17:27] Gabriel:US dollars
[04/26 17:51] Darnell:My battery's about to run out
[04/26 17:51] Addison:I've just graduated
[04/26 17:51] Julian:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/26 17:51] Chloe:International directory enquiries
[04/26 17:51] Raphael:Will I get travelling expenses?
[04/26 17:51] Faith:A First Class stamp
[04/26 17:51] Donny:Wonderfull great site
[04/26 17:51] Gavin:Is there ?
[04/26 17:51] Mariano:Very Good Site
[04/26 17:51] Vaughn:Did you go to university?
[04/26 18:27] Antonio:A book of First Class stamps
[04/26 18:27] Emerson:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/26 18:27] Broderick:Very interesting tale
[04/26 18:27] Riley:I came here to study
[04/26 18:27] Leonard:I need to charge up my phone
[04/26 18:27] Moshe:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/26 18:27] Jocelyn:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/26 18:27] Manual:Looking for a job
[04/26 18:27] Rashad:It's a bad line
[04/26 18:27] Adalberto:I sing in a choir
[04/26 18:51] Oliver:I'm in a band
[04/26 18:51] Benny:Remove card
[04/26 18:51] Maxwell:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[04/26 18:51] Margarito:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/26 18:51] Floyd:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/26 18:51] Emilio:Hold the line, please
[04/26 18:51] Vincent:Your account's overdrawn
[04/26 18:51] Marcellus:International directory enquiries
[04/26 18:51] Shane:I'd like some euros
[04/26 18:52] Carlos:When do you want me to start?
[04/26 19:33] Malik:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/26 19:33] Issac:I'll put him on
[04/26 19:33] Salvatore:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/26 19:33] Vernon:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/26 19:33] Scotty:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/26 19:33] Destiny:We used to work together
[04/26 19:33] Warner:A company car
[04/26 19:33] Connie:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/26 19:33] Domingo:Lost credit card
[04/26 19:33] Grady:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/26 19:56] Ronny:We need someone with qualifications
[04/26 19:56] Heath:I'm a member of a gym
[04/26 19:56] Columbus:I'm in a band
[04/26 19:56] Bertram:Which team do you support?
[04/26 19:56] Clemente:A Second Class stamp
[04/26 19:56] Travis:This is the job description
[04/26 19:56] Jack:Cool site goodluck :)
[04/26 19:56] Barry:I've been cut off
[04/26 19:56] Ariana:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/26 19:56] Ernest:Through friends
[04/26 20:38] Newton:Could I have a statement, please?
[04/26 20:38] Samual:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/26 20:38] Gayle:We used to work together
[04/26 20:38] Issac:I need to charge up my phone
[04/26 20:38] Kenneth:What's your number?
[04/26 20:38] Claud:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/26 20:38] Irving:Another service?
[04/26 20:38] Jonathan:Punk not dead
[04/26 20:38] Newton:Stolen credit card
[04/26 20:38] Anthony:It's funny goodluck
[04/26 21:00] Foster:Go travelling
[04/26 21:00] Molly:A few months
[04/26 21:00] Jeromy:I'd like to cancel this standing order
[04/26 21:00] Magic:How would you like the money?
[04/26 21:00] Fausto:When can you start?
[04/26 21:00] Derick:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/26 21:00] Graham:I'm a partner in
[04/26 21:00] Deshawn:Best Site Good Work
[04/26 21:00] Kelvin:Get a job
[04/26 21:00] Dwayne:Which team do you support?
[04/26 21:42] Monte:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/26 21:42] Tracey:What sort of music do you like?
[04/26 21:42] Arnold:I don't like pubs
[04/26 21:42] Lindsay:Best Site good looking
[04/26 21:42] Buford:Through friends
[04/26 21:42] Loren:What sort of music do you like?
[04/26 21:42] Bailey:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/26 21:42] Marcos:Cool site goodluck :)
[04/26 21:42] Stanley:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/26 21:42] Preston:I have my own business
[04/26 22:04] Gregg:We'll need to take up references
[04/26 22:04] Barney:Who would I report to?
[04/26 22:04] Cristopher:perfect design thanks
[04/26 22:04] Brain:It's serious
[04/26 22:04] Floyd:Where do you live?
[04/26 22:04] Tyson:US dollars
[04/26 22:04] Lyndon:I live here
[04/26 22:04] Taylor:I wanted to live abroad
[04/26 22:04] Garrett:The manager
[04/26 22:04] Palmer:Do you have any exams coming up?
[04/26 22:49] Camila:I've got a part-time job
[04/26 22:49] Kurtis:A Second Class stamp
[04/26 22:49] Jared:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/26 22:49] Chauncey:I'd like to send this to
[04/26 22:49] Infest:I really like swimming
[04/26 22:49] Donnie:Wonderfull great site
[04/26 22:49] Gonzalo:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[04/26 22:49] Nicole:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/26 22:49] Emily:How much does the job pay?
[04/26 22:49] Alonso:Do you play any instruments?
[04/26 23:09] Simon:Who do you work for?
[04/26 23:09] Wilson:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/26 23:09] Kevin:An envelope
[04/26 23:09] Vance:Are you a student?
[04/26 23:09] Gabriel:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[04/26 23:09] Donnell:I hate shopping
[04/26 23:09] Erasmo:I love the theatre
[04/26 23:09] Rocco:very best job
[04/26 23:09] Deandre:Could you please repeat that?
[04/26 23:09] Laverne:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/26 23:53] Katherine:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/26 23:53] Elliott:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/26 23:53] Jewel:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/26 23:53] Travis:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/26 23:53] Johnny:I'd like a phonecard, please
[04/26 23:53] Hilton:Do you have any exams coming up?
[04/26 23:53] Roscoe:Gloomy tales
[04/26 23:53] Lindsey:This site is crazy :)
[04/26 23:53] Reynaldo:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/26 23:53] Collin:I sing in a choir
[04/27 00:15] Cortez:How many are there in a book?
[04/27 00:15] Rocky:Do you play any instruments?
[04/27 00:15] Cletus:I hate shopping
[04/27 00:15] Prince:Do you know the number for ?
[04/27 00:15] Colin:Withdraw cash
[04/27 00:15] Christian:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 00:15] Horacio:How do you do?
[04/27 00:15] Emerson:I can't hear you very well
[04/27 00:15] Tobias:I need to charge up my phone
[04/27 00:15] Jeromy:I can't hear you very well
[04/27 01:00] Ezequiel:I'm interested in this position
[04/27 01:00] Stanley:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/27 01:00] Rodger:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/27 01:00] Korey:I went to
[04/27 01:00] Robbie:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/27 01:00] Timothy:Canada>Canada
[04/27 01:00] Monty:The United States
[04/27 01:00] Nestor:What university do you go to?
[04/27 01:00] Vince:Do you know what extension he's on?
[04/27 01:00] Blair:How do you spell that?
[04/27 01:24] Madeline:I'd like to open an account
[04/27 01:24] Jorge:Which team do you support?
[04/27 01:24] Stephanie:I'm unemployed
[04/27 01:24] Kaitlyn:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/27 01:24] Clifford:Please call back later
[04/27 01:24] Patricia:Photography
[04/27 01:24] Elton:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/27 01:24] Brianna:What do you do?
[04/27 01:24] Addison:I'll put her on
[04/27 01:24] Lemuel:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/27 02:07] Salvador:A Second Class stamp
[04/27 02:07] Melvin:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/27 02:07] Wilson:Nice to meet you
[04/27 02:07] Ahmed:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/27 02:07] Kelley:Very funny pictures
[04/27 02:07] Michal:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/27 02:07] Michael:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/27 02:07] Jamey:Incorrect PIN
[04/27 02:07] Charlie:I'll text you later
[04/27 02:07] Abram:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[04/27 02:30] Benedict:A Second Class stamp
[04/27 02:30] Alfonso:I read a lot
[04/27 02:30] Alonso:What do you do?
[04/27 02:30] Numbers:I'm not sure
[04/27 02:30] Elliot:It's OK
[04/27 02:30] Greenwood:We were at school together
[04/27 02:30] Walker:I've been cut off
[04/27 02:30] Filiberto:A law firm
[04/27 02:30] Zachariah:How long are you planning to stay here?
[04/27 02:30] Heyjew:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/27 03:13] Coleman:Hold the line, please
[04/27 03:13] Logan:Best Site good looking
[04/27 03:13] Nathaniel:What do you study?
[04/27 03:13] Haywood:We've got a joint account
[04/27 03:13] Enrique:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/27 03:13] Tony:Are you a student?
[04/27 03:13] Royal:I've only just arrived
[04/27 03:13] Brice:Could I take your name and number, please?
[04/27 03:13] Marcellus:Insufficient funds
[04/27 03:13] Cedric:Where are you from?
[04/27 03:35] Hobert:History
[04/27 03:35] Bradly:Incorrect PIN
[04/27 03:35] Rashad:I live in London
[04/27 03:35] Luis:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/27 03:35] Erasmo:I'm on holiday
[04/27 03:35] Chloe:On another call
[04/27 03:35] Jeffery:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/27 03:35] Randall:I'm only getting an answering machine
[04/27 03:35] Alberto:The National Gallery
[04/27 03:35] Johnson:Get a job
[04/27 04:17] Darell:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/27 04:17] Robbie:How much does the job pay?
[04/27 04:17] Edmond:What line of work are you in?
[04/27 04:17] Johnson:The line's engaged
[04/27 04:17] Rudolph:Who would I report to?
[04/27 04:17] Adam:Some First Class stamps
[04/27 04:17] Jesse:I study here
[04/27 04:18] Graham:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/27 04:18] Lenny:Do you need a work permit?
[04/27 04:18] Morris:very best job
[04/27 04:40] Nathanael:Hello good day
[04/27 04:40] Aaliyah:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/27 04:40] Winford:I live in London
[04/27 04:40] Camila:Not available at the moment
[04/27 04:40] Janni:What company are you calling from?
[04/27 04:40] Jimmie:Where do you live?
[04/27 04:40] Tracey:What line of work are you in?
[04/27 04:40] Mauricio:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/27 04:40] Hailey:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/27 04:40] Daren:We went to university together
[04/27 05:23] Goodsam:I'd like to change some money
[04/27 05:23] Brayden:I hate shopping
[04/27 05:23] Teodoro:Withdraw cash
[04/27 05:23] Randell:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/27 05:23] Tyler:Could I have a statement, please?
[04/27 05:23] Kirby:I enjoy travelling
[04/27 05:23] Heyjew:I'm sorry, he's
[04/27 05:23] Andreas:Jonny was here
[04/27 05:23] Reginald:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/27 05:23] Melanie:Will I get travelling expenses?
[04/27 05:42] Richard:Gloomy tales
[04/27 05:42] Chadwick:I'm sorry, she's
[04/27 05:42] Javier:I do some voluntary work
[04/27 05:42] Franklyn:Please wait
[04/27 05:42] Reggie:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/27 05:42] Percy:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/27 05:42] Tilburg:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/27 05:42] Roger:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/27 05:42] Dominick:Recorded Delivery
[04/27 05:42] Jessie:I can't hear you very well
[04/27 06:18] Gilbert:I'd like to send this parcel to
[04/27 06:18] Norbert:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/27 06:18] Behappy:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/27 06:18] Chang:I didn't go to university
[04/27 06:18] Harris:Where did you go to university?
[04/27 06:18] Francisco:I've got a part-time job
[04/27 06:18] Nogood87:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/27 06:18] Pierre:Looking for a job
[04/27 06:18] Gabrielle:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/27 06:18] Andrea:Thanks funny site
[04/27 06:55] Jesus:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/27 06:55] Wendell:Thanks funny site
[04/27 06:55] Carter:This site is crazy :)
[04/27 06:55] Geraldo:I went to
[04/27 06:55] Jefferey:Some First Class stamps
[04/27 06:55] Derek:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/27 06:55] Everett:When can you start?
[04/27 06:55] Harvey:I'm sorry, she's
[04/27 06:55] Margarito:We'll need to take up references
[04/27 06:55] Gregorio:Very interesting tale
[04/27 07:09] Rosendo:Withdraw cash
[04/27 07:09] Junior:About a year
[04/27 07:09] Burton:Do you know the number for ?
[04/27 07:09] Mason:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/27 07:09] Andrew:Please call back later
[04/27 07:09] Michelle:Directory enquiries
[04/27 07:09] Lyman:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/27 07:09] Travis:This is the job description
[04/27 07:09] Michael:I'm not working at the moment
[04/27 07:09] Bernard:A pension scheme
[04/27 07:44] Florencio:I don't know what I want to do after university
[04/27 07:44] Kaitlyn:An estate agents
[04/27 07:44] Michale:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/27 07:44] Jacinto:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/27 07:44] Bailey:Go travelling
[04/27 07:44] Jada:I work with computers
[04/27 07:44] Sherman:I'm on business
[04/27 07:45] Esteban:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/27 07:45] Josue:A company car
[04/27 07:45] Quinton:I sing in a choir
[04/27 07:59] Booker:Another service?
[04/27 07:59] Shelton:I'm about to run out of credit
[04/27 07:59] Maynard:What's your number?
[04/27 07:59] Hershel:I'm not working at the moment
[04/27 07:59] Wilbert:I like watching TV
[04/27 07:59] Erin:Three years
[04/27 07:59] Javier:I didn't go to university
[04/27 07:59] Nolan:Very Good Site
[04/27 07:59] Oswaldo:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/27 07:59] Aaron:Special Delivery
[04/27 08:32] Dewayne:I wanted to live abroad
[04/27 08:32] Elias:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/27 08:32] Joaquin:Who do you work for?
[04/27 08:32] Armand:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/27 08:32] Lowell:I sing in a choir
[04/27 08:32] Marquis:Are you a student?
[04/27 08:32] Edward:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/27 08:32] Carlo:What do you study?
[04/27 08:32] Elvis:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/27 08:32] Armand:Three years
[04/27 08:47] Walker:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 08:47] Mickey:I work with computers
[04/27 08:47] Wilford:I don't like pubs
[04/27 08:47] Vaughn:Where's the postbox?
[04/27 08:47] Demarcus:Recorded Delivery
[04/27 08:47] Taylor:Where do you live?
[04/27 08:47] Gayle:Did you go to university?
[04/27 08:47] Ahmad:I've been cut off
[04/27 08:47] Adolfo:Please wait
[04/27 08:48] Genesis:Who do you work for?
[04/27 09:20] Heath:My battery's about to run out
[04/27 09:20] Amado:It's OK
[04/27 09:20] Wilbert:I've got a very weak signal
[04/27 09:20] Eli:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/27 09:20] Jamal:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/27 09:20] Darwin:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/27 09:21] Kenneth:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/27 09:21] Madelyn:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/27 09:21] Toney:Go travelling
[04/27 09:21] Marion:In a meeting
[04/27 11:31] Reuben:Can I call you back?
[04/27 11:31] Bryan:I work here
[04/27 11:31] Camila:Nice to meet you
[04/27 11:31] Leroy:I never went to university
[04/27 11:31] Doyle:Until August
[04/27 11:31] Moises:I've been made redundant
[04/27 11:31] Julian:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/27 11:31] Jonathon:We were at school together
[04/27 11:31] Eugenio:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/27 11:31] Allen:What are the hours of work?
[04/27 12:18] Michel:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/27 12:18] Haley:Stolen credit card
[04/27 12:18] Dennis:Do you need a work permit?
[04/27 12:18] Freeman:Where's the postbox?
[04/27 12:18] Jonas:This site is crazy :)
[04/27 12:18] Dewey:The United States
[04/27 12:18] Tyron:Please wait
[04/27 12:18] Michale:Very interesting tale
[04/27 12:18] Seymour:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/27 12:18] Johnny:A financial advisor
[04/27 12:26] Grady:We were at school together
[04/27 12:26] Felix:Special Delivery
[04/27 12:26] Stacey:I really like swimming
[04/27 12:26] Caden:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/27 12:26] Robbie:Could you send me an application form?
[04/27 12:26] Benjamin:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/27 12:26] Michel:Punk not dead
[04/27 12:26] Claudio:Have you got a telephone directory?
[04/27 12:27] Young:I'm from England
[04/27 12:27] Marcellus:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/27 13:06] Roscoe:Free medical insurance
[04/27 13:06] Hiram:I've only just arrived
[04/27 13:06] Ahmed:I do some voluntary work
[04/27 13:06] Carlos:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 13:06] James:Your account's overdrawn
[04/27 13:06] Jimmie:US dollars
[04/27 13:06] Anderson:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/27 13:06] Makayla:Canada>Canada
[04/27 13:06] Shayne:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/27 13:06] Alphonse:What sort of work do you do?
[04/27 13:21] Bobber:Very interesting tale
[04/27 13:21] Brock:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/27 13:21] Forrest:I'm happy very good site
[04/27 13:21] Jonathan:A packet of envelopes
[04/27 13:21] Bradley:Could I have an application form?
[04/27 13:21] Parker:What's your number?
[04/27 13:21] Owen:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/27 13:21] Richard:Wonderfull great site
[04/27 13:22] Payton:We need someone with qualifications
[04/27 13:22] Nestor:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/27 13:55] Walker:What line of work are you in?
[04/27 13:55] Bryan:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/27 13:55] Goodboy:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/27 13:55] Garry:Insert your card
[04/27 13:55] Luke:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/27 13:55] Isidro:Children with disabilities
[04/27 13:55] Jerrold:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 13:55] Lionel:I wanted to live abroad
[04/27 13:55] Hosea:Could you send me an application form?
[04/27 13:55] Rickey:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/27 14:11] Lauren:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/27 14:11] Cornell:I'd like to open a business account
[04/27 14:11] Brooklyn:How do you know each other?
[04/27 14:11] Edmund:I've been made redundant
[04/27 14:11] Lyndon:I'd like to cancel this standing order
[04/27 14:11] Darwin:This site is crazy :)
[04/27 14:11] Javier:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/27 14:11] Anderson:I came here to work
[04/27 14:11] Franklin:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/27 14:11] Herman:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/27 14:44] Stephen:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/27 14:44] Fernando:Until August
[04/27 14:44] Neville:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/27 14:44] Andres:I never went to university
[04/27 14:44] Dorian:How do you spell that?
[04/27 14:44] Payton:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[04/27 14:44] Heath:Could you please repeat that?
[04/27 14:44] Eldon:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/27 14:44] Delbert:I'm a partner in
[04/27 14:44] Humberto:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/27 15:01] Lowell:I'd like to open a business account
[04/27 15:01] Clement:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/27 15:01] Madison:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/27 15:01] Antony:I sing in a choir
[04/27 15:01] Wendell:Please call back later
[04/27 15:01] Kayla:I'm a trainee
[04/27 15:01] Grover:I work here
[04/27 15:01] Renaldo:When do you want me to start?
[04/27 15:01] Jason:Can you hear me OK?
[04/27 15:01] Kristopher:Remove card
[04/27 15:34] Leandro:Other amount
[04/27 15:34] Jeffry:When can you start?
[04/27 15:34] Elisha:Children with disabilities
[04/27 15:34] Edward:this is be cool 8)
[04/27 15:34] Gilbert:Looking for work
[04/27 15:34] Camila:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/27 15:34] Sophie:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/27 15:34] Ramon:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/27 15:34] Douglass:What's your number?
[04/27 15:34] Jessie:I live in London
[04/27 15:51] Houston:I've lost my bank card
[04/27 15:51] Byron:Please call back later
[04/27 15:51] Pierre:I'd like a phonecard, please
[04/27 15:51] Brayden:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/27 15:51] Jaime:I love this site
[04/27 15:51] Cedric:very best job
[04/27 15:51] Andrew:Punk not dead
[04/27 15:51] Napoleon:In a meeting
[04/27 15:51] Lawerence:Best Site good looking
[04/27 15:51] Darius:What do you do?
[04/27 16:26] Darwin:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/27 16:26] Damien:What do you do?
[04/27 16:26] Jonas:I'll send you a text
[04/27 16:26] Sophie:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/27 16:26] Florentino:Hello good day
[04/27 16:26] Frankie:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/27 16:26] Cameron:Which year are you in?
[04/27 16:26] Luther:What sort of work do you do?
[04/27 16:26] Kristopher:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/27 16:26] Felipe:I wanted to live abroad
[04/27 16:43] Amber:In tens, please (ten pound notes)
[04/27 16:43] Maximo:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/27 16:43] Clifford:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/27 16:43] Arlen:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/27 16:43] Kerry:this is be cool 8)
[04/27 16:43] Esteban:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/27 16:43] Loren:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/27 16:43] Emory:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[04/27 16:43] Valentine:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/27 16:43] Leonardo:US dollars
[04/27 17:20] Kendrick:Three years
[04/27 17:20] Bobby:Hello good day
[04/27 17:20] Riley:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/27 17:20] Zoey:Could I ask who's calling?
[04/27 17:20] Seth:I wanted to live abroad
[04/27 17:20] Virgil:Which university are you at?
[04/27 17:20] Jeromy:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/27 17:20] Russel:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 17:20] Fifa55:Which team do you support?
[04/27 17:20] Rudolph:What do you study?
[04/27 17:39] Richard:The line's engaged
[04/27 17:39] Frankie:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/27 17:39] Weston:Who's calling?
[04/27 17:39] Curtis:I don't like pubs
[04/27 17:39] Genaro:I can't get through at the moment
[04/27 17:39] Lesley:When can you start?
[04/27 17:39] Seth:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/27 17:39] Luigi:I'm retired
[04/27 17:39] Norberto:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[04/27 17:39] Donald:I'd like to change some money
[04/27 18:13] Andrea:Which university are you at?
[04/27 18:13] Bryant:Just over two years
[04/27 18:13] Peyton:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/27 18:13] Dwayne:Very Good Site
[04/27 18:13] Ralph:We were at school together
[04/27 18:13] Salvatore:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/27 18:13] Randy:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/27 18:13] Walker:What company are you calling from?
[04/27 18:13] Vincent:How do I get an outside line?
[04/27 18:13] Rueben:I've only just arrived
[04/27 18:29] Patrick:The line's engaged
[04/27 18:29] Dro4er:Thanks funny site
[04/27 18:29] Leandro:Can I take your number?
[04/27 18:30] Cody:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/27 18:30] Mohammed:The manager
[04/27 18:30] Glenn:What's your number?
[04/27 18:30] Joseph:A First Class stamp
[04/27 18:30] Steep777:Thanks for calling
[04/27 18:30] Leslie:Where did you go to university?
[04/27 18:30] Mackenzie:Can I call you back?
[04/27 19:03] Alyssa:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/27 19:03] Freelife:The United States
[04/27 19:03] Irwin:I'm sorry, he's
[04/27 19:03] Desmond:How long are you planning to stay here?
[04/27 19:03] Gregory:Have you seen any good films recently?
[04/27 19:03] Colby:I hate shopping
[04/27 19:03] Willie:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/27 19:03] Woodrow:I can't stand football
[04/27 19:03] Jeremy:How much does the job pay?
[04/27 19:03] Erick:I'd like , please
[04/27 19:18] Kylie:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/27 19:18] Robin:I'm retired
[04/27 19:18] Kendall:We're at university together
[04/27 19:18] Shelton:An envelope
[04/27 19:18] Adolfo:It's serious
[04/27 19:18] Kimberly:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/27 19:18] Margarito:Another service?
[04/27 19:18] Refugio:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/27 19:18] Salvatore:I've got a very weak signal
[04/27 19:18] Margarito:Where do you come from?
[04/27 19:46] Samual:Another service?
[04/27 19:46] Mason:An accountancy practice
[04/27 19:46] Jonathan:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/27 19:46] Elias:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/27 19:46] Aubrey:Can you hear me OK?
[04/27 19:46] Wilfred:I'm not working at the moment
[04/27 19:46] Loren:I've got a very weak signal
[04/27 19:46] Mathew:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/27 19:46] Timothy:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/27 19:46] Efrain:Could I borrow your phone, please?
[04/27 20:09] Efrain:I'd like some euros
[04/27 20:09] Charles:I didn't go to university
[04/27 20:09] Frances:Do you know the address?
[04/27 20:09] Rikky:I went to
[04/27 20:09] Gaylord:this is be cool 8)
[04/27 20:09] Arron:Stolen credit card
[04/27 20:09] Ava:Stolen credit card
[04/27 20:09] Mariano:Where do you study?
[04/27 20:09] Jeromy:I came here to work
[04/27 20:09] Roman:I work for myself
[04/27 20:48] Ramiro:I've got a very weak signal
[04/27 20:48] Cletus:I'm retired
[04/27 20:48] Lonnie:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/27 20:48] Scott:A book of First Class stamps
[04/27 20:48] Jacques:A jiffy bag
[04/27 20:48] Addison:Best Site Good Work
[04/27 20:48] Branden:What part of do you come from?
[04/27 20:48] Roger:I like watching football
[04/27 20:48] Sandy:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/27 20:48] Miguel:I work for myself
[04/27 21:12] Roman:Where do you study?
[04/27 21:12] Darnell:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[04/27 21:12] Marcel:Have you read any good books lately?
[04/27 21:12] Crazyfrog:I'd like to apply for this job
[04/27 21:12] Johnson:Do you like it here?
[04/27 21:12] Giuseppe:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[04/27 21:12] Getjoy:I hate shopping
[04/27 21:12] Rafael:Lost credit card
[04/27 21:12] Kendrick:Where's the postbox?
[04/27 21:12] Sergio:Very funny pictures
[04/27 21:39] Dogkill:An accountancy practice
[04/27 21:39] Trinity:A law firm
[04/27 21:39] Jamie:very best job
[04/27 21:39] Amber:I like it a lot
[04/27 21:39] Roberto:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/27 21:39] Milton:When do you want me to start?
[04/27 21:39] Chris:I'd like to order some foreign currency
[04/27 21:39] Sara:I'll put him on
[04/27 21:39] Irving:Which team do you support?
[04/27 21:39] Gaston:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/27 22:05] Lily:I'm from England
[04/27 22:05] Stanley:I work with computers
[04/27 22:05] Boris:Other amount
[04/27 22:05] Edmundo:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/27 22:05] Martin:Looking for work
[04/27 22:05] Zoe:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/27 22:05] Enoch:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/27 22:05] Jewell:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/27 22:05] Brian:Through friends
[04/27 22:05] Jefferson:Recorded Delivery
[04/27 22:32] Reggie:I've lost my bank card
[04/27 22:32] Valeria:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/27 22:32] Lenard:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/27 22:32] Stanford:This is the job description
[04/27 22:32] Caleb:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/27 22:32] Vernon:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/27 22:32] Clemente:I'm interested in
[04/27 22:32] Abraham:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/27 22:32] Emery:I'm sorry, he's
[04/27 22:32] Michelle:Other amount
[04/27 23:00] Damien:The United States
[04/27 23:00] Harold:Thanks for calling
[04/27 23:00] Corey:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/27 23:00] Juan:I love this site
[04/27 23:00] Goodboy:I'm not interested in football
[04/27 23:00] Micheal:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/27 23:00] Shawn:Thanks for calling
[04/27 23:00] Alton:Recorded Delivery
[04/27 23:00] Michel:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/27 23:00] Diego:Not available at the moment
[04/27 23:24] Charley:I've been made redundant
[04/27 23:24] Shayne:I'm interested in
[04/27 23:24] Joseph:I study here
[04/27 23:24] Fabian:I'll text you later
[04/27 23:24] Diego:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/27 23:24] Crazyivan:Can you hear me OK?
[04/27 23:24] Donny:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[04/27 23:24] Zoey:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/27 23:24] Jane:It's OK
[04/27 23:24] Johnathan:I love this site
[04/27 23:55] Colby:Which year are you in?
[04/27 23:55] Jenna:I came here to work
[04/27 23:55] Collin:How many are there in a book?
[04/27 23:55] Antione:I love this site
[04/27 23:55] Morris:I really like swimming
[04/27 23:55] Fredric:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/27 23:55] Rupert:How many would you like?
[04/27 23:55] Millard:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/27 23:55] Nathan:Your account's overdrawn
[04/27 23:55] Geraldo:Get a job
[04/28 00:18] Danial:How many would you like?
[04/28 00:18] Kareem:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[04/28 00:18] Garth:Is there ?
[04/28 00:18] Dorian:It's a bad line
[04/28 00:18] Joesph:I want to report a
[04/28 00:18] Juan:Please wait
[04/28 00:18] Ignacio:How long are you planning to stay here?
[04/28 00:18] Irving:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/28 00:18] Ezequiel:I've got a very weak signal
[04/28 00:18] Shane:It's a bad line
[04/28 00:46] Timmy:Could I have an application form?
[04/28 00:46] Wendell:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/28 00:46] Avery:I'll put her on
[04/28 00:46] Duane:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/28 00:46] Craig:Languages
[04/28 00:46] Erick:I like watching TV
[04/28 00:46] Bernie:The National Gallery
[04/28 00:46] Arron:Your cash is being counted
[04/28 00:46] Donald:Photography
[04/28 00:46] Charlie:Gloomy tales
[04/28 01:09] Carson:Through friends
[04/28 01:09] Marvin:We were at school together
[04/28 01:09] Delmer:I'm about to run out of credit
[04/28 01:09] Donovan:In a meeting
[04/28 01:09] Ivory:What sort of work do you do?
[04/28 01:09] Elden:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/28 01:09] Valentin:I like it a lot
[04/28 01:09] Errol:Remove card
[04/28 01:09] Sammy:this is be cool 8)
[04/28 01:09] Burton:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/28 01:38] Maynard:An estate agents
[04/28 01:38] Jonathan:How much does the job pay?
[04/28 01:38] William:I wanted to live abroad
[04/28 01:38] Benjamin:What qualifications have you got?
[04/28 01:38] Kyle:Stolen credit card
[04/28 01:38] Rigoberto:We went to university together
[04/28 01:38] Ezequiel:Your account's overdrawn
[04/28 01:38] Donte:Three years
[04/28 01:38] Leroy:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/28 01:38] Titus:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/28 02:00] Andres:Which team do you support?
[04/28 02:00] Unlove:A jiffy bag
[04/28 02:00] Basil:perfect design thanks
[04/28 02:00] Blake:Hello good day
[04/28 02:00] Faith:How do I get an outside line?
[04/28 02:00] Rudolph:I live in London
[04/28 02:00] Refugio:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/28 02:00] Andre:Directory enquiries
[04/28 02:00] Virgil:I love the theatre
[04/28 02:00] Rafael:We'll need to take up references
[04/28 02:29] Clarence:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/28 02:29] Jarred:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/28 02:29] Marcel:What sort of music do you like?
[04/28 02:29] Sean:Get a job
[04/28 02:29] Payton:Hello good day
[04/28 02:29] Scotty:We were at school together
[04/28 02:29] Chloe:Do you play any instruments?
[04/28 02:29] Marcelo:I don't know what I want to do after university
[04/28 02:29] Harrison:I'm not working at the moment
[04/28 02:29] Rayford:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/28 02:52] Porter:US dollars
[04/28 02:52] Berry:I'm doing an internship
[04/28 02:52] Truman:I've just graduated
[04/28 02:52] Rufus:I want to report a
[04/28 02:52] Laverne:I'll put him on
[04/28 02:52] Razer22:I'm self-employed
[04/28 02:53] Wilbur:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/28 02:53] Dogkill:How long are you planning to stay here?
[04/28 02:53] Elton:I support Manchester United
[04/28 02:53] Harry:Insert your card
[04/28 03:23] Dwain:US dollars
[04/28 03:23] Douglas:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/28 03:23] Jane:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/28 03:23] Caleb:Please wait
[04/28 03:23] Olivia:Are you a student?
[04/28 03:23] Zachariah:Thanks funny site
[04/28 03:23] Brooke:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/28 03:23] Nicholas:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/28 03:23] Trenton:Insert your card
[04/28 03:23] Carmen:In a meeting
[04/28 03:47] Eugene:I'm interested in
[04/28 03:47] Jermaine:Looking for work
[04/28 03:47] Teddy:How do you know each other?
[04/28 03:47] Jerrell:The National Gallery
[04/28 03:47] Jason:We've got a joint account
[04/28 03:47] Wilber:This is your employment contract
[04/28 03:47] Michel:How many are there in a book?
[04/28 03:47] Levi:Which team do you support?
[04/28 03:47] Deandre:History
[04/28 03:47] Josiah:I hate shopping
[04/28 04:19] Brody:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/28 04:19] Daren:Please wait
[04/28 04:19] Weldon:I'm self-employed
[04/28 04:19] Porter:I read a lot
[04/28 04:19] Ismael:Are you a student?
[04/28 04:19] Domenic:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/28 04:19] Liam:good material thanks
[04/28 04:20] James:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/28 04:20] Elizabeth:Go travelling
[04/28 04:20] Giovanni:What sort of work do you do?
[04/28 04:43] Trinity:Where do you live?
[04/28 04:43] Mary:I'm self-employed
[04/28 04:43] Tobias:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/28 04:43] Edwardo:Gloomy tales
[04/28 04:43] Lance:I'd like to change some money
[04/28 04:43] Clemente:Very funny pictures
[04/28 04:43] Silas:Have you got any ?
[04/28 04:43] Bob:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/28 04:43] Frank:The National Gallery
[04/28 04:43] Major:Hello good day
[04/28 05:16] Levi:How do you spell that?
[04/28 05:16] Robert:this is be cool 8)
[04/28 05:16] Coolman:Where do you come from?
[04/28 05:16] Donnie:I'm happy very good site
[04/28 05:16] Newton:very best job
[04/28 05:16] Sierra:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/28 05:16] Tony:Could I have an application form?
[04/28 05:16] Gerry:What line of work are you in?
[04/28 05:16] Aaliyah:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/28 05:16] Jimmy:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/28 05:38] Kendall:Your cash is being counted
[04/28 05:38] Carlo:Hello good day
[04/28 05:38] Erich:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/28 05:38] Mohammad:I'll send you a text
[04/28 05:38] Nathaniel:How do I get an outside line?
[04/28 05:38] Shelton:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/28 05:39] Gracie:A company car
[04/28 05:39] Orville:I've been cut off
[04/28 05:39] Eugenio:Remove card
[04/28 05:39] Erin:Best Site Good Work
[04/28 06:13] Markus:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/28 06:13] Eugene:I'll send you a text
[04/28 06:13] Genesis:What's your number?
[04/28 06:13] Kenneth:I hate shopping
[04/28 06:13] Wally:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/28 06:13] Simon:Three years
[04/28 06:13] Jayden:I've just graduated
[04/28 06:13] Hassan:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/28 06:13] Christian:Have you got any experience?
[04/28 06:13] Evan:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/28 06:44] Claire:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/28 06:44] Jaime:I'd like to change some money
[04/28 06:44] Tyrone:I'd like to take the job
[04/28 06:44] Hassan:I'm a trainee
[04/28 06:44] Issac:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/28 06:44] Arianna:Where do you study?
[04/28 06:44] Christopher:Photography
[04/28 06:44] Sofia:Very Good Site
[04/28 06:44] Alden:I'd like , please
[04/28 06:44] Goodboy:Do you know the address?
[04/28 07:09] Brain:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/28 07:09] Quaker:Where are you calling from?
[04/28 07:09] Daniel:Get a job
[04/28 07:09] Tommie:Very Good Site
[04/28 07:09] Stefan:Three years
[04/28 07:09] Enoch:I'm not sure
[04/28 07:09] Johnnie:Can I take your number?
[04/28 07:09] Emmitt:Did you go to university?
[04/28 07:09] Tyree:I'd like some euros
[04/28 07:09] Cortez:Could I take your name and number, please?
[04/28 07:39] Isabel:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/28 07:39] Craig:I sing in a choir
[04/28 07:39] Alfonzo:Who would I report to?
[04/28 07:39] Layla:Best Site good looking
[04/28 07:39] Royal:I'm on holiday
[04/28 07:39] Quaker:I'm a member of a gym
[04/28 07:40] Kimberly:Do you know the address?
[04/28 07:40] Isaias:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/28 07:40] Reyes:I'm self-employed
[04/28 07:40] Dudley:I've got a full-time job
[04/28 08:05] Harrison:Children with disabilities
[04/28 08:05] Gracie:We've got a joint account
[04/28 08:05] Valentin:Could you send me an application form?
[04/28 08:05] Craig:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[04/28 08:05] Mishel:Enter your PIN
[04/28 08:05] Norbert:Which year are you in?
[04/28 08:05] Steven:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/28 08:05] Alex:Do you know each other?
[04/28 08:05] Eliseo:I came here to work
[04/28 08:05] Santo:It's funny goodluck
[04/28 08:35] Solomon:Through friends
[04/28 08:35] Blake:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/28 08:35] Hassan:We need someone with qualifications
[04/28 08:35] Isaiah:Gloomy tales
[04/28 08:35] Robert:Would you like a receipt?
[04/28 08:35] Marcus:I like watching TV
[04/28 08:35] Ezekiel:Get a job
[04/28 08:35] Abigail:This is your employment contract
[04/28 08:35] Brent:Special Delivery
[04/28 08:35] Levi:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/28 09:01] Allen:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/28 09:01] Stephan:Where are you from?
[04/28 09:01] Marquis:I'm unemployed
[04/28 09:01] Nolan:I'm sorry, he's
[04/28 09:01] Tommy:I've got a very weak signal
[04/28 09:01] Arianna:I came here to study
[04/28 09:01] Vanessa:A staff restaurant
[04/28 09:01] Faith:This is the job description
[04/28 09:01] Burton:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/28 09:01] Oswaldo:Directory enquiries
[04/28 09:26] Noah:Who do you work for?
[04/28 09:26] Tobias:A few months
[04/28 09:26] Arturo:Can I use your phone?
[04/28 09:26] Tyrell:The United States
[04/28 09:26] Taylor:I work here
[04/28 09:26] Brooks:very best job
[04/28 09:26] Christopher:One moment, please
[04/28 09:26] Kasey:When do you want me to start?
[04/28 09:26] Boris:What line of work are you in?
[04/28 09:26] Boyce:Why did you come to ?
[04/28 10:02] Graham:Can I take your number?
[04/28 10:02] Sherman:This is the job description
[04/28 10:02] Charlie:this is be cool 8)
[04/28 10:02] Tanner:Would you like a receipt?
[04/28 10:02] Eldridge:Go travelling
[04/28 10:02] Harlan:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/28 10:02] Everett:Who do you work for?
[04/28 10:02] Carrol:I read a lot
[04/28 10:02] Claudio:Do you know the address?
[04/28 10:02] Darin:US dollars
[04/28 10:15] Everette:A financial advisor
[04/28 10:15] Wendell:The manager
[04/28 10:15] Zachariah:Would you like a receipt?
[04/28 10:15] Benito:Could you please repeat that?
[04/28 10:15] Isabella:I'm a partner in
[04/28 10:15] Incomeppc:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/28 10:15] Darin:Nice to meet you
[04/28 10:15] Lucas:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/28 10:15] Miguel:We need someone with qualifications
[04/28 10:15] Roderick:I like watching football
[04/28 10:51] Vance:Get a job
[04/28 10:51] Dirtbill:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/28 10:51] Timothy:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/28 10:51] Marlin:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/28 10:51] Wilmer:Thanks funny site
[04/28 10:51] Benton:We were at school together
[04/28 10:51] Terrance:We're at university together
[04/28 10:51] Harold:We were at school together
[04/28 10:51] Walker:Where did you go to university?
[04/28 10:51] Samuel:I'd like , please
[04/28 11:05] Blaine:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/28 11:05] Dylan:I didn't go to university
[04/28 11:05] Dominick:I'm only getting an answering machine
[04/28 11:05] John:I'd like to change some money
[04/28 11:05] Robin:this post is fantastic
[04/28 11:05] Cordell:Just over two years
[04/28 11:05] Lucas:What do you do?
[04/28 11:05] Winston:A Second Class stamp
[04/28 11:05] Barney:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/28 11:05] Gavin:In tens, please (ten pound notes)
[04/28 11:41] Infest:I'm a trainee
[04/28 11:41] Diva:I'm a housewife
[04/28 11:41] Jeffery:Where did you go to university?
[04/28 11:41] Brian:About a year
[04/28 11:41] Travis:About a year
[04/28 11:41] Mike:I'd like to take the job
[04/28 11:41] Jerome:Your account's overdrawn
[04/28 11:41] Robbie:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/28 11:41] Noah:What sort of music do you like?
[04/28 11:41] Diana:Thanks for calling
[04/28 11:54] Carter:I'm on holiday
[04/28 11:54] Dwayne:US dollars
[04/28 11:54] Ollie:I never went to university
[04/28 11:54] Ezekiel:I'm not interested in football
[04/28 11:54] Galen:Go travelling
[04/28 11:54] Luigi:The National Gallery
[04/28 11:54] Foster:Not in at the moment
[04/28 11:54] Guadalupe:real beauty page
[04/28 11:54] Young:I'm sorry, he's
[04/28 11:54] Dillon:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/28 12:31] Jack:I study here
[04/28 12:31] Darron:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/28 12:31] Bobber:Another service?
[04/28 12:31] Jimmi:Some First Class stamps
[04/28 12:31] Modesto:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/28 12:31] Plank:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/28 12:31] Anton:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[04/28 12:31] Garrett:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/28 12:31] Douglas:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/28 12:31] Ariana:I love this site
[04/28 12:43] Isidro:What do you do?
[04/28 12:43] Enoch:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/28 12:44] Vernon:We need someone with experience
[04/28 12:44] Anton:I work for a publishers
[04/28 12:44] Juan:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/28 12:44] Morgan:Which team do you support?
[04/28 12:44] Gordon:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/28 12:44] Donte:A few months
[04/28 12:44] Clifford:Which year are you in?
[04/28 12:44] Kelly:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/28 13:12] ぐみぐみ:外人が勝手に使って会話してるのかと一瞬思ったけどただのスパムっぽいですね・・
[04/28 13:21] Daren:Directory enquiries
[04/28 13:21] Ismael:good material thanks
[04/28 13:21] Deadman:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/28 13:21] Behappy:I live in London
[04/28 13:21] Jamie:I'm from England
[04/28 13:21] Deadman:Where's the postbox?
[04/28 13:21] Kaden:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/28 13:21] Antony:I like watching football
[04/28 13:21] Marcel:this post is fantastic
[04/28 13:21] Gaylord:real beauty page
[04/28 13:33] Gianna:Very funny pictures
[04/28 13:33] Claudio:In a meeting
[04/28 13:33] Doyle:Hold the line, please
[04/28 13:33] Morris:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/28 13:33] Nolan:I've lost my bank card
[04/28 13:33] Neville:I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
[04/28 13:33] Adam:real beauty page
[04/28 13:33] Chase:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/28 13:33] Quinn:I've got a full-time job
[04/28 13:33] Elton:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/28 14:12] Carmelo:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/28 14:12] Scotty:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/28 14:12] Mackenzie:A law firm
[04/28 14:12] Kennith:What do you do for a living?
[04/28 14:12] Garth:How do you know each other?
[04/28 14:12] Heyjew:A packet of envelopes
[04/28 14:12] Palmer:Which team do you support?
[04/28 14:12] Harrison:I quite like cooking
[04/28 14:12] Josef:Languages
[04/28 14:12] Edgardo:I've just graduated
[04/28 14:21] Booker:I'm on holiday
[04/28 14:21] Carroll:What do you do for a living?
[04/28 14:21] Chris:Where do you live?
[04/28 14:21] Roosevelt:I'm not sure
[04/28 14:21] Tobias:Children with disabilities
[04/28 14:21] Cesar:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[04/28 14:21] Moshe:Could you send me an application form?
[04/28 14:22] Sergio:When can you start?
[04/28 14:22] Mackenzie:I work with computers
[04/28 14:22] Calvin:Do you know each other?
[04/28 15:03] Vincent:Did you go to university?
[04/28 15:03] German:International directory enquiries
[04/28 15:03] Sidney:We've got a joint account
[04/28 15:03] Shannon:Enter your PIN
[04/28 15:03] Rufus:How do you do?
[04/28 15:03] Benito:Your account's overdrawn
[04/28 15:03] Lester:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/28 15:03] Allen:A pension scheme
[04/28 15:03] Conrad:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/28 15:03] Ivory:A Second Class stamp
[04/28 15:11] Rodrick:Lost credit card
[04/28 15:11] Kristopher:good material thanks
[04/28 15:11] Jeffery:I've got a very weak signal
[04/28 15:11] Heath:I can't stand football
[04/28 15:11] Toney:I'm from England
[04/28 15:11] Tristan:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/28 15:11] Renato:How many would you like?
[04/28 15:11] Ralph:US dollars
[04/28 15:11] Lynwood:I live in London
[04/28 15:11] Korey:Do you know the number for ?
[04/28 15:54] Wayne:Looking for a job
[04/28 15:54] Josue:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/28 15:54] Franklin:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/28 15:54] Jerald:I like watching TV
[04/28 15:54] Goodboy:this is be cool 8)
[04/28 15:54] Hilario:Hold the line, please
[04/28 15:54] Modesto:I don't like pubs
[04/28 15:54] Peter:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/28 15:54] Gobiz:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/28 15:54] Kenny:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/28 16:01] Liam:I do some voluntary work
[04/28 16:01] Johnson:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/28 16:01] Lucien:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/28 16:01] Micheal:Very Good Site
[04/28 16:01] Stacy:What sort of work do you do?
[04/28 16:01] Craig:I study here
[04/28 16:01] Wilson:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/28 16:01] Augustine:I'd like to open an account
[04/28 16:01] Brant:Can you hear me OK?
[04/28 16:01] Brooke:Through friends
[04/28 16:46] Gilberto:This site is crazy :)
[04/28 16:46] Clair:A law firm
[04/28 16:46] Winford:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/28 16:46] Seymour:An estate agents
[04/28 16:46] Edmundo:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/28 16:46] Rodney:I've been cut off
[04/28 16:46] Raymundo:Have you seen any good films recently?
[04/28 16:46] Darrell:On another call
[04/28 16:46] Leroy:A Second Class stamp
[04/28 16:46] Albert:I didn't go to university
[04/28 16:51] Julius:I'm a member of a gym
[04/28 16:51] Mia:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/28 16:51] Courtney:good material thanks
[04/28 16:51] Elbert:I've been cut off
[04/28 16:51] Roger:We need someone with experience
[04/28 16:51] Cliff:I really like swimming
[04/28 16:51] Gabrielle:this post is fantastic
[04/28 16:51] Shaun:What line of work are you in?
[04/28 16:51] Antonia:Gloomy tales
[04/28 16:51] Steven:Looking for work
[04/28 17:38] Clifton:Could I take your name and number, please?
[04/28 17:38] Irea:We need someone with experience
[04/28 17:38] Keven:An accountancy practice
[04/28 17:38] Cristopher:A law firm
[04/28 17:38] Julia:We used to work together
[04/28 17:38] Myles:I'm not working at the moment
[04/28 17:38] Ahmed:Remove card
[04/28 17:38] Scotty:Hold the line, please
[04/28 17:38] Mariano:One moment, please
[04/28 17:38] Julio:very best job
[04/28 17:42] Luigi:Would you like a receipt?
[04/28 17:42] Zackary:Who would I report to?
[04/28 17:42] Dominick:We need someone with experience
[04/28 17:42] Bonser:The manager
[04/28 17:42] Carol:I'm in a band
[04/28 17:42] Abigail:I'll send you a text
[04/28 17:42] Jewell:US dollars
[04/28 17:42] Rubin:Where's the postbox?
[04/28 17:42] Lorenzo:Very interesting tale
[04/28 17:42] Alton:I wanted to live abroad
[04/28 18:30] Irwin:What do you do for a living?
[04/28 18:30] Mohammed:I quite like cooking
[04/28 18:30] Johnathon:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/28 18:30] Silas:One moment, please
[04/28 18:30] Emmett:An estate agents
[04/28 18:30] Cooper:Which university are you at?
[04/28 18:30] Sylvester:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/28 18:30] Layla:A financial advisor
[04/28 18:30] Nathaniel:How many are there in a book?
[04/28 18:30] Malik:How do I get an outside line?
[04/28 18:32] Gabriel:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/28 18:32] Kidrock:Could I borrow your phone, please?
[04/28 18:32] Earle:Go travelling
[04/28 18:32] Claire:I enjoy travelling
[04/28 18:32] Santiago:I'd like to take the job
[04/28 18:32] Ambrose:Do you like it here?
[04/28 18:32] Infest:I don't know what I want to do after university
[04/28 18:32] Julius:Can you hear me OK?
[04/28 18:32] Tobias:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/28 18:32] Gregg:Get a job
[04/28 19:19] Lawerence:Recorded Delivery
[04/28 19:19] Moises:It's funny goodluck
[04/28 19:19] Brice:Who do you work for?
[04/28 19:19] Maya:I'm in my first year at university
[04/28 19:19] Janni:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/28 19:19] Clemente:I didn't go to university
[04/28 19:19] Emory:It's OK
[04/28 19:19] Kerry:Where are you from?
[04/28 19:19] Jonas:Can I take your number?
[04/28 19:19] Augustus:Do you play any instruments?
[04/28 19:22] Vance:I'll put her on
[04/28 19:22] Wilbert:What sort of work do you do?
[04/28 19:22] Bonser:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/28 19:22] Gilbert:What part of do you come from?
[04/28 19:22] Audrey:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/28 19:22] Tyrone:I love this site
[04/28 19:22] Damon:A few months
[04/28 19:22] Leland:We're at university together
[04/28 19:22] Jospeh:How do you do?
[04/28 19:22] Steven:The manager
[04/28 20:08] Tristan:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/28 20:08] Bennett:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/28 20:08] Mohammed:The United States
[04/28 20:08] Desmond:I want to make a withdrawal
[04/28 20:08] Joesph:perfect design thanks
[04/28 20:08] Wallace:Free medical insurance
[04/28 20:08] Elton:Not in at the moment
[04/28 20:08] Lowell:I quite like cooking
[04/28 20:08] Leonel:I love this site
[04/28 20:08] Ferdinand:Can you hear me OK?
[04/28 20:11] Pierre:A few months
[04/28 20:11] Gabriella:Yes, I love it!
[04/28 20:11] Tomas:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/28 20:11] Merle:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/28 20:11] Ashley:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/28 20:11] Eldridge:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[04/28 20:11] Jennifer:I've been cut off
[04/28 20:11] Judson:Could you ask him to call me?
[04/28 20:11] Kendall:International directory enquiries
[04/28 20:11] Allen:This is your employment contract
[04/28 20:58] Rogelio:There's a three month trial period
[04/28 20:58] Orlando:I'm on work experience
[04/28 20:58] Brendan:I'm in a band
[04/28 20:58] Jared:A packet of envelopes
[04/28 20:58] Fabian:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[04/28 20:58] Byron:I like watching football
[04/28 20:58] Enoch:What qualifications have you got?
[04/28 20:58] Mya:I like it a lot
[04/28 20:58] Amia:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/28 20:58] Roger:Can I call you back?
[04/28 21:00] Marcel:I'd like to apply for this job
[04/28 21:00] Francis:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/28 21:00] Roderick:I've been made redundant
[04/28 21:00] Orval:I'd like some euros
[04/28 21:00] Erick:I'm on business
[04/28 21:00] Rodger:I like watching TV
[04/28 21:00] Flyman:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/28 21:00] Carlton:Which team do you support?
[04/28 21:00] Ryan:We'll need to take up references
[04/28 21:00] Bradley:We used to work together
[04/28 21:50] Claudio:I'd like to send this to
[04/28 21:50] Dirtbill:I've been made redundant
[04/28 21:50] Lucio:Withdraw cash
[04/28 21:50] Sydney:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/28 21:50] Marissa:Insufficient funds
[04/28 21:50] Kareem:I'm in my first year at university
[04/28 21:50] Stacey:I like watching TV
[04/28 21:50] Jarrett:this post is fantastic
[04/28 21:50] Cristopher:Which university are you at?
[04/28 21:50] Edward:How would you like the money?
[04/28 21:51] Dwayne:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/28 21:51] James:I'll put him on
[04/28 21:51] Natalie:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/28 21:51] Natalie:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/28 21:51] Thaddeus:Can I call you back?
[04/28 21:51] Percy:I'd like , please
[04/28 21:51] Dustin:A Second Class stamp
[04/28 21:51] Jasper:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/28 21:51] Alexa:I work here
[04/28 21:51] Shirley:Stolen credit card
[04/28 22:44] Orville:Can I use your phone?
[04/28 22:44] Adolfo:A packet of envelopes
[04/28 22:44] Jamey:I have my own business
[04/28 22:44] Cesar:Where do you live?
[04/28 22:44] Garfield:What sort of work do you do?
[04/28 22:44] Natalie:Cool site goodluck :)
[04/28 22:44] Benjamin:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/28 22:44] Vernon:A packet of envelopes
[04/28 22:44] Victoria:Do you know the number for ?
[04/28 22:44] Cristobal:A packet of envelopes
[04/28 22:44] Ricardo:I'm sorry, she's
[04/28 22:44] Katelyn:Your cash is being counted
[04/28 22:44] Vicente:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/28 22:44] Brooks:We used to work together
[04/28 22:44] Keith:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/28 22:44] Scottie:This site is crazy :)
[04/28 22:44] Maya:Could I ask who's calling?
[04/28 22:44] Levi:How long are you planning to stay here?
[04/28 22:44] Trevor:Thanks funny site
[04/28 22:44] Arnulfo:Enter your PIN
[04/28 23:38] Weston:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/28 23:38] Domenic:this is be cool 8)
[04/28 23:38] Friend35:I've been made redundant
[04/28 23:38] Arnulfo:Directory enquiries
[04/28 23:38] Chris:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/28 23:38] Samantha:The United States
[04/28 23:38] Pasquale:Who's calling?
[04/28 23:38] Spencer:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/28 23:38] Dro4er:Do you need a work permit?
[04/28 23:38] Willie:Until August
[04/28 23:38] Nathanial:Jonny was here
[04/28 23:38] Vince:I'm from England
[04/28 23:38] Emmanuel:An envelope
[04/28 23:38] Emily:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/28 23:38] Cornell:Whereabouts are you from?
[04/28 23:38] Doyle:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/28 23:38] Camila:I like it a lot
[04/28 23:39] Isidro:I'm in my first year at university
[04/28 23:39] Gerald:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/28 23:39] Winston:this post is fantastic
[04/29 00:29] Eldridge:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/29 00:29] Benito:I'll put her on
[04/29 00:29] Moshe:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/29 00:29] Terence:This is your employment contract
[04/29 00:29] Humberto:Could you send me an application form?
[04/29 00:29] Vicente:An envelope
[04/29 00:29] Erich:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/29 00:29] Garfield:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/29 00:29] Camila:An estate agents
[04/29 00:29] Adalberto:I'm from England
[04/29 00:31] Donovan:Where do you live?
[04/29 00:31] Vaughn:I'm on holiday
[04/29 00:31] Derrick:Lost credit card
[04/29 00:31] Alexander:I'm not interested in football
[04/29 00:31] Charley:Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
[04/29 00:31] Dwight:Hold the line, please
[04/29 00:31] Kasey:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[04/29 00:31] Lonny:What are the hours of work?
[04/29 00:31] Gilbert:We've got a joint account
[04/29 00:31] Marlin:We went to university together
[04/29 01:20] Joseph:Could I have an application form?
[04/29 01:20] Ariana:A few months
[04/29 01:20] Wilfred:Please wait
[04/29 01:20] Darin:Who's calling?
[04/29 01:20] Refugio:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/29 01:20] Goodsam:Could I ask who's calling?
[04/29 01:20] Keneth:I've got a full-time job
[04/29 01:20] Jonathon:What sort of work do you do?
[04/29 01:20] Carmen:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/29 01:20] Kendall:Could you ask him to call me?
[04/29 01:23] Valentin:I'll text you later
[04/29 01:23] Errol:I went to
[04/29 01:23] Russel:Best Site good looking
[04/29 01:23] Jerry:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/29 01:23] Isidro:Through friends
[04/29 01:23] Linwood:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/29 01:23] Robbie:Do you need a work permit?
[04/29 01:23] Fidel:I never went to university
[04/29 01:23] Coleman:History
[04/29 01:23] Lamont:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/29 02:11] Boyce:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/29 02:11] Earle:Why did you come to ?
[04/29 02:11] Ahmad:Insufficient funds
[04/29 02:11] Giovanni:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 02:11] Rocky:i'm fine good work
[04/29 02:11] Tracy:I do some voluntary work
[04/29 02:11] Wilfred:I'll text you later
[04/29 02:11] Cedrick:We've got a joint account
[04/29 02:11] Ryan:What do you study?
[04/29 02:11] Jamal:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/29 02:16] Wilfredo:Hold the line, please
[04/29 02:16] Cooper:I never went to university
[04/29 02:16] Barrett:I've been made redundant
[04/29 02:16] Nathan:Some First Class stamps
[04/29 02:16] Denver:I didn't go to university
[04/29 02:16] Bennett:How do you spell that?
[04/29 02:16] Kylie:Other amount
[04/29 02:16] Ashley:An envelope
[04/29 02:16] Pierre:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/29 02:16] Gracie:The National Gallery
[04/29 03:04] Tomas:Where's the postbox?
[04/29 03:04] Aaron:Best Site Good Work
[04/29 03:04] Hilton:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[04/29 03:04] Isabel:I work here
[04/29 03:04] Audrey:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[04/29 03:04] Jayson:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/29 03:04] Ruben:I'm a housewife
[04/29 03:04] Natalie:Have you got any ?
[04/29 03:04] Nogood87:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/29 03:04] Raphael:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/29 03:09] Cleveland:Could I have , please?
[04/29 03:09] Cletus:Where did you go to university?
[04/29 03:09] Amber:How do you do?
[04/29 03:09] Noah:Yes, I play the guitar
[04/29 03:09] Earle:What qualifications have you got?
[04/29 03:09] Nicole:I'm not sure
[04/29 03:09] Eldridge:I'd like to take the job
[04/29 03:09] Lonny:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/29 03:09] Logan:Lost credit card
[04/29 03:09] Madeline:Could I borrow your phone, please?
[04/29 03:56] Sophia:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/29 03:56] Bradford:Yes, I love it!
[04/29 03:56] Maya:Insufficient funds
[04/29 03:56] Paris:Wonderfull great site
[04/29 03:56] Francis:Where are you calling from?
[04/29 03:56] Nilson:I'd like to apply for this job
[04/29 03:56] Molly:Through friends
[04/29 03:56] Derrick:What part of do you come from?
[04/29 03:56] Daren:This site is crazy :)
[04/29 03:56] Arden:It's a bad line
[04/29 04:01] Rufus:I'd like to send this parcel to
[04/29 04:01] Bradley:Until August
[04/29 04:01] Williams:Gloomy tales
[04/29 04:01] Robby:A pension scheme
[04/29 04:01] Cody:Do you know the address?
[04/29 04:01] Arnold:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/29 04:01] Brooklyn:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/29 04:01] Grace:Can I use your phone?
[04/29 04:01] Noble:Another year
[04/29 04:01] Wilburn:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[04/29 04:50] Vicente:I'd like to apply for this job
[04/29 04:50] Kareem:Can you hear me OK?
[04/29 04:50] Gabriella:A few months
[04/29 04:50] Edgar:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 04:50] Jerrod:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/29 04:50] Arlen:Have you got any ?
[04/29 04:50] Clarence:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 04:50] Ernest:Where are you calling from?
[04/29 04:50] Marlon:International directory enquiries
[04/29 04:50] Bradly:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/29 04:56] Jamison:In tens, please (ten pound notes)
[04/29 04:56] Parker:I'm not working at the moment
[04/29 04:56] Ellis:I came here to study
[04/29 04:56] Benny:Which university are you at?
[04/29 04:56] Nickolas:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/29 04:56] Wendell:Where do you study?
[04/29 04:56] Mckinley:Directory enquiries
[04/29 04:56] Dillon:A pension scheme
[04/29 04:56] Brendan:this post is fantastic
[04/29 04:56] Stefan:Until August
[04/29 05:44] Jasmine:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/29 05:44] Jonas:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/29 05:44] Herbert:I study here
[04/29 05:44] Lance:Where do you come from?
[04/29 05:44] Rudolph:Stolen credit card
[04/29 05:44] Shaun:A jiffy bag
[04/29 05:44] Rigoberto:Not in at the moment
[04/29 05:44] Williams:What university do you go to?
[04/29 05:44] Dannie:Best Site good looking
[04/29 05:44] Graham:Through friends
[04/29 05:51] Brianna:Is there ?
[04/29 05:51] Pablo:I hate shopping
[04/29 05:51] Cornelius:Directory enquiries
[04/29 05:51] Trevor:Can I take your number?
[04/29 05:51] Charlie:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/29 05:51] Delmar:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[04/29 05:51] Boyce:How long have you lived here?
[04/29 05:51] Irea:I've been made redundant
[04/29 05:51] Rodrigo:The United States
[04/29 05:51] Emmanuel:What do you do for a living?
[04/29 06:47] Javier:I'm on business
[04/29 06:47] Gustavo:I'll call back later
[04/29 06:47] Waylon:A few months
[04/29 06:47] Molly:I came here to work
[04/29 06:47] Armand:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/29 06:47] Darin:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/29 06:47] Erasmo:Your account's overdrawn
[04/29 06:47] Irvin:I love this site
[04/29 06:47] Gilberto:I really like swimming
[04/29 06:47] Mickey:Recorded Delivery
[04/29 06:59] Thurman:What's the interest rate on this account?
[04/29 06:59] Charlotte:I work for myself
[04/29 06:59] Andrew:I work for a publishers
[04/29 06:59] Randal:Hello good day
[04/29 06:59] Lawrence:I've been made redundant
[04/29 06:59] Wilfred:A law firm
[04/29 06:59] Dorian:Can you hear me OK?
[04/29 06:59] Rickie:There's a three month trial period
[04/29 06:59] Malcolm:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/29 06:59] Donnie:The National Gallery
[04/29 07:42] Zoey:It's serious
[04/29 07:42] Vincent:We went to university together
[04/29 07:42] Shirley:There's a three month trial period
[04/29 07:42] Raymond:I'll text you later
[04/29 07:42] Gerardo:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/29 07:42] Ava:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/29 07:42] Nickolas:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/29 07:42] Isaias:I'm in a band
[04/29 07:42] Marco:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/29 07:43] Gabrielle:Children with disabilities
[04/29 07:53] Renaldo:Languages
[04/29 07:53] Judson:In tens, please (ten pound notes)
[04/29 07:53] Kurtis:What do you do for a living?
[04/29 07:53] Elisha:Wonderfull great site
[04/29 07:53] Antonio:Do you know the address?
[04/29 07:53] Robby:Where do you study?
[04/29 07:53] Ezekiel:Can I use your phone?
[04/29 07:53] Jarrod:How much notice do you have to give?
[04/29 07:53] Khloe:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/29 07:53] Virgil:This is your employment contract
[04/29 08:37] Eugene:A jiffy bag
[04/29 08:37] Dillon:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/29 08:37] Luther:Can I take your number?
[04/29 08:37] Davis:The line's engaged
[04/29 08:37] Elliot:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/29 08:37] Elvin:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[04/29 08:37] Stanley:I never went to university
[04/29 08:37] Katherine:The manager
[04/29 08:37] Rafael:Withdraw cash
[04/29 08:37] Rocky:I live here
[04/29 08:47] Francisco:An estate agents
[04/29 08:47] Clarence:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/29 08:47] Kidrock:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[04/29 08:47] Zachery:Did you go to university?
[04/29 08:47] Mauro:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/29 08:47] Isabelle:Looking for work
[04/29 08:47] Trinity:How long have you lived here?
[04/29 08:47] Andre:I'd like to send this letter by
[04/29 08:47] Gaylord:Where's the postbox?
[04/29 08:47] Chung:We work together
[04/29 09:34] Brice:We need someone with experience
[04/29 09:34] Gregorio:I love this site
[04/29 09:34] Fredric:Withdraw cash
[04/29 09:34] Luigi:I'm a partner in
[04/29 09:34] Fritz:Would you like a receipt?
[04/29 09:34] Jefferson:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/29 09:34] Wilburn:Children with disabilities
[04/29 09:34] Steven:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/29 09:34] Tyrell:I never went to university
[04/29 09:34] Arnulfo:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/29 09:42] Kermit:A few months
[04/29 09:42] Paris:The line's engaged
[04/29 09:42] Salvatore:Is there ?
[04/29 09:42] Razer22:magic story very thanks
[04/29 09:42] Josiah:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/29 09:42] Ashton:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[04/29 09:42] Ignacio:this is be cool 8)
[04/29 09:42] Cedric:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 09:42] Bertram:Children with disabilities
[04/29 09:42] Hannah:I work here
[04/29 10:38] Percy:I'd like to apply for this job
[04/29 10:38] Dewey:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/29 10:38] Erwin:Just over two years
[04/29 10:38] Tyron:I've got a full-time job
[04/29 10:38] Thanh:Yes, I love it!
[04/29 10:38] Robbie:Recorded Delivery
[04/29 10:38] Emanuel:How do you do?
[04/29 10:38] Armand:In a meeting
[04/29 10:38] Lesley:What do you do for a living?
[04/29 10:38] Giuseppe:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/29 11:32] Hiram:A staff restaurant
[04/29 11:32] Normand:Can you hear me OK?
[04/29 11:32] Columbus:How would you like the money?
[04/29 11:32] Maynard:I hate shopping
[04/29 11:32] Enoch:Have you seen any good films recently?
[04/29 11:32] Gaylord:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[04/29 11:32] Dominick:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/29 11:32] Keith:I'm in my first year at university
[04/29 11:32] Franklyn:We'll need to take up references
[04/29 11:32] Emmitt:Nice to meet you
[04/29 11:32] Barton:Can I take your number?
[04/29 11:32] Vince:On another call
[04/29 11:32] Shaun:Could I have an application form?
[04/29 11:32] Leroy:How many would you like?
[04/29 11:32] Giovanni:Stolen credit card
[04/29 11:32] Vince:Have you seen any good films recently?
[04/29 11:32] Lynwood:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/29 11:32] Mary:What's your number?
[04/29 11:32] Floyd:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[04/29 11:32] Johnathon:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/29 12:27] Melvin:Could you ask him to call me?
[04/29 12:27] Jewel:How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
[04/29 12:27] Bryan:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/29 12:27] Salvatore:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/29 12:27] Tyler:We were at school together
[04/29 12:27] Wilber:I'm interested in
[04/29 12:27] Trevor:How do you know each other?
[04/29 12:27] Blaine:When can you start?
[04/29 12:27] Ronald:Directory enquiries
[04/29 12:27] Gerry:Where's the postbox?
[04/29 12:35] Khloe:Could I have an application form?
[04/29 12:35] Lesley:How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
[04/29 12:35] Michale:I wanted to live abroad
[04/29 12:35] Heath:Do you have any exams coming up?
[04/29 12:35] Spencer:What do you do for a living?
[04/29 12:35] Arturo:Could I ask who's calling?
[04/29 12:35] Teodoro:What sort of music do you like?
[04/29 12:35] Darnell:Insufficient funds
[04/29 12:35] Donny:I'd like to change some money
[04/29 12:35] Valentine:Yes, I love it!
[04/29 13:17] Coco888:The line's engaged
[04/29 13:17] Jamison:I want to report a
[04/29 13:17] Mario:A financial advisor
[04/29 13:17] Stacey:Where are you calling from?
[04/29 13:17] Garret:I came here to work
[04/29 13:17] Mauro:I work with computers
[04/29 13:17] John:I do some voluntary work
[04/29 13:17] Jimmie:What sort of work do you do?
[04/29 13:17] Stewart:Very funny pictures
[04/29 13:17] Mary:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/29 13:23] Isabelle:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/29 13:23] Rafael:I work for myself
[04/29 13:23] Johnathan:Not in at the moment
[04/29 13:23] Werner:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/29 13:23] Mickey:This is your employment contract
[04/29 13:23] Willard:What company are you calling from?
[04/29 13:23] Emery:I've lost my bank card
[04/29 13:23] Brain:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/29 13:23] Joshua:Very interesting tale
[04/29 13:23] Derrick:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/29 14:07] Barney:Canada>Canada
[04/29 14:07] Emanuel:There's a three month trial period
[04/29 14:07] Antone:History
[04/29 14:07] Isreal:I'm only getting an answering machine
[04/29 14:07] Weldon:Which year are you in?
[04/29 14:07] Israel:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/29 14:07] Johnie:What sort of work do you do?
[04/29 14:07] Mya:This is the job description
[04/29 14:07] Johnathan:Where are you from?
[04/29 14:07] Angelina:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/29 14:13] Jonathan:I'm self-employed
[04/29 14:13] Hollis:I've just graduated
[04/29 14:13] Friend35:Wonderfull great site
[04/29 14:13] Amber:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/29 14:13] Willie:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/29 14:13] Norberto:Where are you calling from?
[04/29 14:13] Pasquale:I'd like to change some money
[04/29 14:13] Tobias:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/29 14:13] Antoine:Can I take your number?
[04/29 14:13] Jacinto:I live in London
[04/29 14:57] Fernando:How long have you lived here?
[04/29 14:57] Claude:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/29 14:57] Trenton:I want to report a
[04/29 14:57] Pablo:Cool site goodluck :)
[04/29 14:57] Travis:I'm happy very good site
[04/29 14:57] Walton:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/29 14:57] Hassan:I'd like some euros
[04/29 14:57] Christian:A financial advisor
[04/29 14:57] Crazyfrog:An accountancy practice
[04/29 14:57] Santos:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/29 15:02] Emily:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/29 15:02] Daron:The National Gallery
[04/29 15:02] Adalberto:Please call back later
[04/29 15:02] Jocelyn:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/29 15:02] Benito:Will I get travelling expenses?
[04/29 15:02] Shelby:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 15:02] Esteban:I need to charge up my phone
[04/29 15:02] Willard:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/29 15:02] Hector:I want to report a
[04/29 15:02] Foster:I work here
[04/29 15:46] Ulysses:I'm a member of a gym
[04/29 15:46] Jane:Who do you work for?
[04/29 15:46] Barry:Where do you live?
[04/29 15:46] Phillip:Stolen credit card
[04/29 15:46] Manuel:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/29 15:46] Norberto:On another call
[04/29 15:46] Vida:A financial advisor
[04/29 15:46] Clemente:Looking for a job
[04/29 15:46] Adam:I work with computers
[04/29 15:46] Wilfredo:How do you know each other?
[04/29 15:52] Barney:Best Site good looking
[04/29 15:52] Wilbur:I'll text you later
[04/29 15:52] Rodger:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/29 15:52] Brian:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/29 15:52] Leigh:I never went to university
[04/29 15:52] Mackenzie:I work for a publishers
[04/29 15:52] Tyrone:An accountancy practice
[04/29 15:52] Sammie:I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
[04/29 15:52] Alvaro:This site is crazy :)
[04/29 15:52] Werner:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/29 16:36] Eliseo:Free medical insurance
[04/29 16:36] Jayden:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/29 16:36] Major:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/29 16:36] Faith:I'd like to order some foreign currency
[04/29 16:36] Elwood:I'm a member of a gym
[04/29 16:36] Jacques:Languages
[04/29 16:36] Mya:Where's the postbox?
[04/29 16:36] Edgardo:International directory enquiries
[04/29 16:36] Katherine:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/29 16:36] Benjamin:One moment, please
[04/29 16:43] Antione:Who's calling?
[04/29 16:43] Donnie:Another service?
[04/29 16:43] Desmond:Who's calling?
[04/29 16:43] Lazaro:I don't like pubs
[04/29 16:43] Kenny:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/29 16:43] Mya:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/29 16:43] Haley:We're at university together
[04/29 16:43] Francis:I'd like some euros
[04/29 16:43] Winford:I can't stand football
[04/29 16:43] Marshall:I'll text you later
[04/29 17:26] Rashad:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/29 17:26] Ralph:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/29 17:26] Prince:I'm on business
[04/29 17:26] Antone:I'd like to order some foreign currency
[04/29 17:26] Shawn:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/29 17:26] Lonny:I'm doing an internship
[04/29 17:26] Brayden:How do I get an outside line?
[04/29 17:26] Amelia:Could I have a statement, please?
[04/29 17:26] Willian:real beauty page
[04/29 17:26] Jarrod:I really like swimming
[04/29 17:33] Demarcus:I'm interested in
[04/29 17:33] Wyatt:Three years
[04/29 17:33] Romeo:good material thanks
[04/29 17:33] Thurman:Hold the line, please
[04/29 17:33] Ava:I'd like to open a personal account
[04/29 17:33] Abram:Have you got any ?
[04/29 17:33] Sara:I work with computers
[04/29 17:33] Major:I'm from England
[04/29 17:33] Jonathan:I never went to university
[04/29 17:33] Armando:We need someone with experience
[04/29 18:16] Kasey:History
[04/29 18:16] Carrol:I'm a housewife
[04/29 18:16] Eldon:We went to university together
[04/29 18:16] Ulysses:We work together
[04/29 18:16] Harley:A few months
[04/29 18:16] Mitchel:I'd like some euros
[04/29 18:16] Milan:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/29 18:16] Ramon:Go travelling
[04/29 18:17] Isabella:Through friends
[04/29 18:17] Tracey:We'll need to take up references
[04/29 18:23] Jeffery:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/29 18:23] Adam:What university do you go to?
[04/29 18:23] Dwayne:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/29 18:23] Sheldon:Stolen credit card
[04/29 18:23] Maria:Languages
[04/29 18:23] Darrel:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[04/29 18:23] Graham:How many are there in a book?
[04/29 18:23] Sydney:I'd like , please
[04/29 18:23] Jamey:I'd like a phonecard, please
[04/29 18:23] Jason:An estate agents
[04/29 19:07] Raymon:Where are you calling from?
[04/29 19:07] Jasmine:Who's calling?
[04/29 19:07] Xavier:Which year are you in?
[04/29 19:07] Kennith:I've been made redundant
[04/29 19:07] Alvin:Languages
[04/29 19:07] Darnell:I can't get through at the moment
[04/29 19:07] Garland:Very Good Site
[04/29 19:07] Faustino:I'm a trainee
[04/29 19:07] Linwood:In a meeting
[04/29 19:07] Leigh:What part of do you come from?
[04/29 19:13] Elisha:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/29 19:13] Sandy:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/29 19:13] Octavio:Insert your card
[04/29 19:13] Lightsoul:A First Class stamp
[04/29 19:13] Sheldon:Where do you live?
[04/29 19:13] Octavio:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/29 19:13] Leopoldo:The National Gallery
[04/29 19:13] Isaac:Gloomy tales
[04/29 19:13] Nigel:We used to work together
[04/29 19:13] Rocky:Could you send me an application form?
[04/29 19:58] Willy:I'd like to cancel this standing order
[04/29 19:58] Everette:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/29 19:58] Jeremiah:What are the hours of work?
[04/29 19:58] Mohammed:Enter your PIN
[04/29 19:58] Florentino:I'm on holiday
[04/29 19:58] Charlie:I'm a housewife
[04/29 19:58] Damon:Could you ask him to call me?
[04/29 19:58] Armand:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/29 19:58] Carmelo:How much does the job pay?
[04/29 19:58] Robert:Will I get travelling expenses?
[04/29 20:03] Timmy:Which university are you at?
[04/29 20:03] Carlos:Thanks funny site
[04/29 20:03] Gracie:Can I use your phone?
[04/29 20:03] Bennett:magic story very thanks
[04/29 20:03] Carmelo:We work together
[04/29 20:03] Hubert:I study here
[04/29 20:03] Lucien:Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
[04/29 20:03] Booker:Can I call you back?
[04/29 20:03] Genaro:real beauty page
[04/29 20:03] Colby:I study here
[04/29 20:48] Diana:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[04/29 20:48] Buford:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/29 20:48] Cole:We used to work together
[04/29 20:48] Wilmer:Lost credit card
[04/29 20:48] Ayden:Could I have an application form?
[04/29 20:48] Vida:I enjoy travelling
[04/29 20:48] Dylan:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/29 20:48] Gustavo:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/29 20:48] Jamaal:A First Class stamp
[04/29 20:48] Flyman:I study here
[04/29 20:52] Zachary:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/29 20:52] Kraig:I can't get a dialling tone
[04/29 20:52] Ezequiel:I'm on holiday
[04/29 20:52] Daryl:Another year
[04/29 20:52] Brock:I've lost my bank card
[04/29 20:52] Dogkill:I've lost my bank card
[04/29 20:52] Shane:this post is fantastic
[04/29 20:52] Nathanael:Languages
[04/29 20:52] Everette:I've got a very weak signal
[04/29 20:52] Makayla:Some First Class stamps
[04/29 21:39] Weston:perfect design thanks
[04/29 21:39] Bradly:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[04/29 21:39] Zachariah:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/29 21:39] Dominick:Have you got any ?
[04/29 21:39] Owen:Can I use your phone?
[04/29 21:39] Tommie:I'd like to open an account
[04/29 21:39] Stephen:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/29 21:39] Alonzo:Do you have any exams coming up?
[04/29 21:39] Harold:We need someone with experience
[04/29 21:39] Stephen:Wonderfull great site
[04/29 21:42] Madison:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/29 21:42] Richie:I'm a member of a gym
[04/29 21:42] Darrick:US dollars
[04/29 21:42] Simon:Your cash is being counted
[04/29 21:42] Merle:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/29 21:42] Bryan:A book of First Class stamps
[04/29 21:42] Devin:Are you a student?
[04/29 21:42] Haley:Looking for work
[04/29 21:42] Graham:I like watching TV
[04/29 21:42] Mary:Until August
[04/29 22:31] Warner:Could I have a statement, please?
[04/29 22:31] Roger:Could you ask him to call me?
[04/29 22:31] Johnie:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/29 22:31] Lazaro:Can I take your number?
[04/29 22:31] Colton:I support Manchester United
[04/29 22:31] Tobias:The National Gallery
[04/29 22:31] Dillon:I'm retired
[04/29 22:31] Doyle:I live here
[04/29 22:31] Walker:Enter your PIN
[04/29 22:31] Emory:I have my own business
[04/29 22:32] Clement:I'll put her on
[04/29 22:32] Rachel:A staff restaurant
[04/29 22:32] Emmett:I'm happy very good site
[04/29 22:32] Sierra:We'll need to take up references
[04/29 22:32] Arthur:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/29 22:32] Warren:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/29 22:32] Alfonso:I'd like some euros
[04/29 22:32] Blaine:Get a job
[04/29 22:32] Dexter:Have you got any qualifications?
[04/29 22:32] Rudolph:I'm a trainee
[04/29 23:23] Sammy:Who's calling?
[04/29 23:23] Alexis:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/29 23:23] Edgardo:Could I have an application form?
[04/29 23:23] Brayden:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/29 23:23] Erwin:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/29 23:23] Maurice:Could I take your name and number, please?
[04/29 23:23] Harrison:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[04/29 23:23] Millard:Have you read any good books lately?
[04/29 23:23] Kasey:What are the hours of work?
[04/29 23:23] Kermit:A financial advisor
[04/29 23:23] Makayla:I'll text you later
[04/29 23:23] Donovan:A jiffy bag
[04/29 23:23] Byron:I'd like some euros
[04/29 23:23] Seymour:Wonderfull great site
[04/29 23:23] Allen:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/29 23:23] Nestor:I'd like to pay this in, please
[04/29 23:23] Crazyivan:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/29 23:23] Gabrielle:I support Manchester United
[04/29 23:23] Eduardo:Do you play any instruments?
[04/29 23:23] Rudolf:I'm in a band
[04/30 00:14] Demetrius:The National Gallery
[04/30 00:14] Sarah:Not in at the moment
[04/30 00:14] Clint:I love this site
[04/30 00:14] Jewell:Very interesting tale
[04/30 00:14] Myles:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/30 00:14] Fidel:The United States
[04/30 00:14] Fredric:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/30 00:14] Elton:Looking for a job
[04/30 00:14] Eugene:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/30 00:14] Raphael:How do you spell that?
[04/30 00:14] Shannon:Where are you calling from?
[04/30 00:14] Jocelyn:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/30 00:14] Rodrigo:Other amount
[04/30 00:14] Tracey:A financial advisor
[04/30 00:14] Alfred:I work for a publishers
[04/30 00:14] Jamel:How many are there in a book?
[04/30 00:14] Jaden:Where did you go to university?
[04/30 00:15] Jasper:The line's engaged
[04/30 00:15] Curtis:I'm happy very good site
[04/30 00:15] Arnold:Until August
[04/30 01:04] Franklyn:Special Delivery
[04/30 01:04] Kerry:I'm a partner in
[04/30 01:04] Ariana:Which university are you at?
[04/30 01:04] Allison:I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
[04/30 01:04] Denis:this post is fantastic
[04/30 01:04] Rachel:I study here
[04/30 01:04] Melissa:I do some voluntary work
[04/30 01:04] Harvey:Do you have any exams coming up?
[04/30 01:04] Alphonso:Insufficient funds
[04/30 01:04] Rafael:I never went to university
[04/30 01:06] Felton:I like watching TV
[04/30 01:06] Darrick:I have my own business
[04/30 01:06] Heyjew:Will I get travelling expenses?
[04/30 01:06] Derick:Very funny pictures
[04/30 01:06] Leah:We need someone with experience
[04/30 01:06] Antony:Have you read any good books lately?
[04/30 01:06] Andreas:Do you like it here?
[04/30 01:06] Derek:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/30 01:06] Johnnie:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/30 01:06] Merrill:good material thanks
[04/30 01:54] Lonny:Is this a temporary or permanent position?
[04/30 01:54] Cornelius:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/30 01:54] Kayla:I'm sorry, he's
[04/30 01:54] Emile:How do you spell that?
[04/30 01:54] Johnnie:I'll text you later
[04/30 01:54] Chris:I'm on business
[04/30 01:54] Erick:I sing in a choir
[04/30 01:54] Isidro:I'm on business
[04/30 01:54] Donnell:I'd like to open an account
[04/30 01:54] Isiah:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/30 01:55] Zoe:I'm interested in
[04/30 01:55] Palmer:What do you do for a living?
[04/30 01:55] Alton:very best job
[04/30 01:55] Roger:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/30 01:55] Shayne:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/30 01:55] Vince:Do you know what extension he's on?
[04/30 01:55] Javier:Very Good Site
[04/30 01:55] Louis:We went to university together
[04/30 01:55] Noble:What qualifications have you got?
[04/30 01:55] Patrick:I'll put her on
[04/30 02:43] Kimberly:I went to
[04/30 02:43] Caden:i'm fine good work
[04/30 02:43] Denis:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/30 02:43] Keith:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/30 02:43] Walker:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[04/30 02:43] Pierre:We went to university together
[04/30 02:43] Demetrius:Pleased to meet you
[04/30 02:43] Solomon:Could you tell me the number for ?
[04/30 02:43] Milton:Do you know the address?
[04/30 02:43] Angelo:I was made redundant two months ago
[04/30 02:44] Bennett:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/30 02:44] Terrence:Why did you come to ?
[04/30 02:44] Reynaldo:Did you go to university?
[04/30 02:44] Junior:How many are there in a book?
[04/30 02:44] Micheal:How many are there in a book?
[04/30 02:44] Fermin:I'm on business
[04/30 02:44] Rosendo:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/30 02:44] Alfredo:Looking for a job
[04/30 02:44] Alonso:Free medical insurance
[04/30 02:44] Geoffrey:I don't like pubs
[04/30 03:34] Stuart:What sort of music do you like?
[04/30 03:34] Malik:US dollars
[04/30 03:34] Dghonson:I work for myself
[04/30 03:34] Deshawn:I do some voluntary work
[04/30 03:34] Paige:I'm happy very good site
[04/30 03:34] Bernard:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/30 03:34] Antonio:Will I have to work shifts?
[04/30 03:34] Adam:It's OK
[04/30 03:34] Lucas:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[04/30 03:34] Bailey:We were at school together
[04/30 03:35] Reginald:I'd like to open an account
[04/30 03:35] Vida:We work together
[04/30 03:35] Rocky:I'm on business
[04/30 03:35] Clement:Would you like a receipt?
[04/30 03:35] Claud:Enter your PIN
[04/30 03:35] Cesar:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/30 03:35] Blaine:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/30 03:35] Abraham:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/30 03:35] Quentin:Jonny was here
[04/30 03:35] Benton:We were at school together
[04/30 04:27] Arturo:Have you seen any good films recently?
[04/30 04:27] Garland:Looking for work
[04/30 04:27] Jospeh:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[04/30 04:27] Steve:I live in London
[04/30 04:27] Dannie:How many are there in a book?
[04/30 04:27] Kristopher:I'm in a band
[04/30 04:27] Julia:Did you go to university?
[04/30 04:27] Terry:I didn't go to university
[04/30 04:27] Johnnie:Good crew it's cool :)
[04/30 04:27] Eliseo:Not in at the moment
[04/30 04:28] Evan:What's the exchange rate for euros?
[04/30 04:28] Willian:I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
[04/30 04:28] Chloe:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[04/30 04:28] Bonser:I work for a publishers
[04/30 04:28] Daryl:I'm sorry, she's
[04/30 04:28] Arnulfo:good material thanks
[04/30 04:28] John:Where do you study?
[04/30 04:28] Wilbur:What university do you go to?
[04/30 04:28] Terrance:Thanks for calling
[04/30 04:28] Vaughn:How do I get an outside line?
[04/30 05:21] Levi:How do you know each other?
[04/30 05:21] Adrian:Can I use your phone?
[04/30 05:21] Rueben:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/30 05:21] Jenna:Excellent work, Nice Design
[04/30 05:21] Parker:I'm in my first year at university
[04/30 05:21] Ahmad:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/30 05:21] Eugenio:this is be cool 8)
[04/30 05:21] Winfred:Pleased to meet you
[04/30 05:21] Sara:perfect design thanks
[04/30 05:21] Elijah:Have you got a telephone directory?
[04/30 05:21] George:I'd like to open an account
[04/30 05:21] Mason:Go travelling
[04/30 05:21] Homer:Have you read any good books lately?
[04/30 05:21] Devin:I live here
[04/30 05:21] Columbus:Who do you work for?
[04/30 05:21] Quaker:My battery's about to run out
[04/30 05:21] Unlove:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[04/30 05:21] Clement:Could I have an application form?
[04/30 05:22] Manuel:I don't like pubs
[04/30 05:22] Michel:I've got a full-time job
[04/30 06:14] Marcellus:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/30 06:14] Brice:The line's engaged
[04/30 06:14] Dominique:I'll send you a text
[04/30 06:14] Lazaro:I can't get through at the moment
[04/30 06:14] Sanford:This is your employment contract
[04/30 06:14] Clint:Who's calling?
[04/30 06:14] Jamal:Excellent work, Nice Design
[04/30 06:14] Ramiro:International directory enquiries
[04/30 06:14] Heath:I'm not interested in football
[04/30 06:14] Razer22:It's funny goodluck
[04/30 06:16] Freelife:I work for myself
[04/30 06:16] Trinidad:good material thanks
[04/30 06:16] Sylvester:Your account's overdrawn
[04/30 06:16] Crazyfrog:What sort of work do you do?
[04/30 06:16] Rodney:Where are you from?
[04/30 06:16] Melissa:Have you got any ?
[04/30 06:16] Herbert:Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
[04/30 06:16] Garth:Do you like it here?
[04/30 06:16] Marlon:What do you do?
[04/30 06:16] Darron:I'm training to be an engineer
[04/30 07:10] Marcelino:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/30 07:10] Clint:A First Class stamp
[04/30 07:10] Leonel:We're at university together
[04/30 07:10] Ismael:I didn't go to university
[04/30 07:10] Edwin:Which team do you support?
[04/30 07:10] Keenan:In a meeting
[04/30 07:10] Jospeh:Another service?
[04/30 07:10] Jarred:We work together
[04/30 07:10] Anna:A few months
[04/30 07:10] Trinity:Your account's overdrawn
[04/30 07:27] Cordell:Where do you come from?
[04/30 07:27] Rosario:Not available at the moment
[04/30 07:27] Jackson:I really like swimming
[04/30 07:27] Taylor:I like it a lot
[04/30 07:27] Humberto:I'd like , please
[04/30 07:27] Tracey:Where are you from?
[04/30 07:27] Henry:Could I ask who's calling?
[04/30 07:27] Arlie:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/30 07:27] Bradley:Three years
[04/30 07:27] Preston:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/30 08:03] Jordon:I'm in a band
[04/30 08:03] Jefferey:Canada>Canada
[04/30 08:03] Antione:How much were you paid in your last job?
[04/30 08:03] Fletcher:Remove card
[04/30 08:03] Brenton:Can I take your number?
[04/30 08:03] Santo:Canada>Canada
[04/30 08:03] Sydney:I'm on work experience
[04/30 08:03] Doyle:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/30 08:03] Isaias:Children with disabilities
[04/30 08:03] Bruno:A staff restaurant
[04/30 08:17] Margarito:What sort of work do you do?
[04/30 08:17] Linwood:I've been cut off
[04/30 08:17] Federico:Could I have an application form?
[04/30 08:17] Michelle:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[04/30 08:17] Parker:Could you give me some smaller notes?
[04/30 08:17] Porfirio:Your cash is being counted
[04/30 08:17] Houston:Would you like to leave a message?
[04/30 08:17] Tommy:In tens, please (ten pound notes)
[04/30 08:17] Emily:I really like swimming
[04/30 08:17] Geraldo:It's funny goodluck
[04/30 08:54] Wayne:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[04/30 08:54] Micah:My battery's about to run out
[04/30 08:54] Razer22:I've been cut off
[04/30 08:54] Autumn:this is be cool 8)
[04/30 08:54] Alberto:I'll put her on
[04/30 08:54] Salvatore:Do you like it here?
[04/30 08:54] Armando:I don't like pubs
[04/30 08:54] Eddie:Which year are you in?
[04/30 08:54] Fernando:I can't stand football
[04/30 08:54] Branden:The manager
[04/30 09:07] Irving:Enter your PIN
[04/30 09:07] Kylie:Do you know what extension he's on?
[04/30 09:07] Blaine:I live here
[04/30 09:07] Luther:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/30 09:07] Randal:magic story very thanks
[04/30 09:07] Cameron:I'd like to send this to
[04/30 09:07] Bradford:very best job
[04/30 09:07] Kayla:I'll put him on
[04/30 09:07] Irwin:I'm from England
[04/30 09:07] Danielle:What do you do for a living?
[04/30 09:59] Adrian:History
[04/30 09:59] Darrin:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/30 09:59] Quinton:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/30 09:59] Truman:I've got a part-time job
[04/30 09:59] Kurtis:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/30 09:59] Anna:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/30 09:59] Porfirio:I'd like to take the job
[04/30 09:59] Jeramy:I'm interested in this position
[04/30 09:59] Marcus:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/30 09:59] Dexter:A book of First Class stamps
[04/30 09:59] Antone:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/30 09:59] Eldon:What company are you calling from?
[04/30 09:59] Oswaldo:A book of First Class stamps
[04/30 09:59] Dwain:Some First Class stamps
[04/30 09:59] Mary:Looking for a job
[04/30 09:59] Devon:I'm only getting an answering machine
[04/30 09:59] Elisha:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/30 09:59] Victor:I can't stand football
[04/30 09:59] Everette:Is there ?
[04/30 09:59] Salvador:Hello good day
[04/30 10:51] Bobby:Punk not dead
[04/30 10:51] Avery:How do I get an outside line?
[04/30 10:51] Grover:perfect design thanks
[04/30 10:51] Laurence:Stolen credit card
[04/30 10:52] Samuel:Just over two years
[04/30 10:52] Ayden:I don't like pubs
[04/30 10:52] Miles:Enter your PIN
[04/30 10:52] Addison:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[04/30 10:52] Reggie:What sort of work do you do?
[04/30 10:52] Kimberly:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/30 10:52] Kennith:In a meeting
[04/30 10:52] Ismael:Can I use your phone?
[04/30 10:52] Ernesto:A company car
[04/30 10:52] Sierra:I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
[04/30 10:52] Craig:Could I take your name and number, please?
[04/30 10:52] Michal:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/30 10:52] Nathanial:How do I get an outside line?
[04/30 10:52] Shayne:Have you read any good books lately?
[04/30 10:52] Chris:I'm doing a masters in law
[04/30 10:52] Pablo:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[04/30 11:45] Lesley:I don't like pubs
[04/30 11:45] Geoffrey:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[04/30 11:45] Miguel:Punk not dead
[04/30 11:45] Garth:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[04/30 11:45] Marcos:What do you study?
[04/30 11:45] Dwight:Hello good day
[04/30 11:45] Quinton:What sort of music do you listen to?
[04/30 11:45] Zachery:We'd like to offer you the job
[04/30 11:45] Steep777:I hate shopping
[04/30 11:45] Incomeppc:I was born in Australia but grew up in England
[04/30 12:37] Alvin:How do I get an outside line?
[04/30 12:37] Malik:I'm sorry, he's
[04/30 12:37] Shannon:I want to report a
[04/30 12:37] Ian:Have you got any ?
[04/30 12:37] Anna:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/30 12:37] Winston:I want to report a
[04/30 12:37] Modesto:I can't stand football
[04/30 12:37] Maria:I'm in my first year at university
[04/30 12:37] Eugenio:I stay at home and look after the children
[04/30 12:37] Tony:Get a job
[04/30 13:27] Maxwell:Whereabouts in are you from?
[04/30 13:27] Cristobal:perfect design thanks
[04/30 13:27] Augustus:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[04/30 13:27] Agustin:How do I get an outside line?
[04/30 13:27] Wallace:A book of First Class stamps
[04/30 13:27] Romeo:I enjoy travelling
[04/30 13:27] Issac:I'm not working at the moment
[04/30 13:27] Harry:Could you send me an application form?
[04/30 13:27] Magic:Accountant supermarket manager
[04/30 13:27] Ulysses:I sing in a choir
[04/30 14:17] Freddie:Do you know the number for ?
[04/30 14:17] Berry:Could you ask her to call me?
[04/30 14:17] Derrick:I'd like some euros
[04/30 14:17] Rusty:Sorry, you must have the wrong number
[04/30 14:18] Denver:I can't hear you very well
[04/30 14:18] Franklyn:I'll put her on
[04/30 14:18] Chester:How many more years do you have to go?
[04/30 14:18] Dwain:Where do you study?
[04/30 14:18] Stacy:Are you a student?
[04/30 14:18] Camila:I saw your advert in the paper
[04/30 15:08] Razer22:My battery's about to run out
[04/30 15:08] Stacey:We were at school together
[04/30 15:08] Edmundo:Have you got any ?
[04/30 15:08] Savannah:I'm sorry, I'm not interested
[04/30 15:08] Demarcus:No, I'm not particularly sporty
[04/30 15:08] Wayne:In a meeting
[04/30 15:08] Edmundo:I'm about to run out of credit
[04/30 15:08] Harvey:Can I take your number?
[04/30 15:08] Caden:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[04/30 15:08] Micheal:I've got a full-time job
[04/30 15:57] Caleb:Have you got a current driving licence?
[04/30 15:57] Eldridge:Will I get paid for overtime?
[04/30 15:57] Natalie:There's a three month trial period
[04/30 15:57] Billie:I can't get through at the moment
[04/30 15:57] Rodney:I live here
[04/30 15:57] Deangelo:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[04/30 15:57] Mia:Where do you live?
[04/30 15:57] Rubin:Three years
[04/30 15:57] Benton:I'd like , please
[04/30 15:57] Lucas:I'm at Liverpool University
[04/30 16:48] Gerry:The National Gallery
[04/30 16:48] Brian:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/30 16:48] Isaias:How much is a First Class stamp?
[04/30 16:48] Jeromy:I live in London
[04/30 16:48] Jerrod:perfect design thanks
[04/30 16:48] Brain:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/30 16:48] Demetrius:How do you do?
[04/30 16:48] Arlen:Can I take your number?
[04/30 16:48] Benjamin:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[04/30 16:48] Basil:this post is fantastic
[04/30 17:38] Ahmed:I'd like to tell you about a change of address
[04/30 17:38] Dorian:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/30 17:38] Marcelino:I'm a trainee
[04/30 17:38] Emmitt:Enter your PIN
[04/30 17:38] Russell:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[04/30 17:38] Anna:Could I have an application form?
[04/30 17:38] Andreas:Other amount
[04/30 17:38] Silas:I'm on business
[04/30 17:38] Cesar:Nice to meet you
[04/30 17:38] Trevor:We were at school together
[04/30 18:29] Broderick:US dollars
[04/30 18:29] Harold:I'll call back later
[04/30 18:29] Kaden:A financial advisor
[04/30 18:29] Mike:I didn't go to university
[04/30 18:29] Vincenzo:How many are there in a book?
[04/30 18:29] Teodoro:I love the theatre
[04/30 18:29] Kieth:Could you please repeat that?
[04/30 18:29] Jefferey:I'm only getting an answering machine
[04/30 18:29] Lawrence:We've got a joint account
[04/30 18:29] Anna:Hold the line, please
[04/30 19:21] Lloyd:I've come to collect a parcel
[04/30 19:21] Bobber:I'm happy very good site
[04/30 19:21] Benton:I need to charge up my phone
[04/30 19:21] Abraham:Lost credit card
[04/30 19:21] Terrell:good material thanks
[04/30 19:21] Jospeh:Just over two years
[04/30 19:21] Erasmo:Pleased to meet you
[04/30 19:21] Lynwood:I'm on a course at the moment
[04/30 19:21] Kendall:Children with disabilities
[04/30 19:21] Hollis:Excellent work, Nice Design
[04/30 20:13] Samual:In a meeting
[04/30 20:13] Elmer:I enjoy travelling
[04/30 20:13] Hollis:Yes, I love it!
[04/30 20:13] Ricardo:I'm a member of a gym
[04/30 20:13] Milan:A pension scheme
[04/30 20:13] Incomeppc:Best Site Good Work
[04/30 20:13] Clark:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[04/30 20:13] Merlin:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[04/30 20:13] Elbert:I sing in a choir
[04/30 20:13] Leopoldo:Your account's overdrawn
[04/30 21:04] Marcelino:Hold the line, please
[04/30 21:04] Leopoldo:Remove card
[04/30 21:04] Cliff:I'm a partner in
[04/30 21:04] Tyson:A First Class stamp
[04/30 21:04] Luigi:I'm not working at the moment
[04/30 21:04] Rudolph:What sort of music do you like?
[04/30 21:04] Jorge:The United States
[04/30 21:04] Hosea:Insert your card
[04/30 21:04] Ronald:Incorrect PIN
[04/30 21:04] Gregory:I like it a lot
[04/30 21:57] Aurelio:Could you please repeat that?
[04/30 21:57] Reuben:I do some voluntary work
[04/30 21:57] Alfred:Do you know the address?
[04/30 21:57] Dirtbill:Best Site good looking
[04/30 21:57] Barton:A staff restaurant
[04/30 21:57] Geoffrey:I came here to study
[04/30 21:57] Louie:This site is crazy :)
[04/30 21:57] Britt:I'll text you later
[04/30 21:57] Shelby:Where's the postbox?
[04/30 21:57] Stephen:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[04/30 22:50] Gobiz:I'm on holiday
[04/30 22:50] Greenwood:Can I use your phone?
[04/30 22:50] Randal:I'd like to send this to
[04/30 22:50] Kraig:I'm in a band
[04/30 22:50] Sydney:Gloomy tales
[04/30 22:50] Dogkill:Thanks funny site
[04/30 22:50] Dustin:I'm unemployed
[04/30 22:50] Jordon:How do you spell that?
[04/30 22:50] Josef:I work here
[04/30 22:50] Walker:Where did you go to university?
[04/30 23:44] Isaias:Your cash is being counted
[04/30 23:44] Dewitt:We went to university together
[04/30 23:44] Adrian:I'm self-employed
[04/30 23:44] Felton:I'm doing an internship
[04/30 23:44] Seth:Do you play any instruments?
[04/30 23:44] Frederic:I study here
[04/30 23:44] Travis:I'm about to run out of credit
[04/30 23:44] Dominique:Could you send me an application form?
[04/30 23:44] Fifa55:Lost credit card
[04/30 23:44] Rolando:Yes, I love it!
[05/01 00:37] Rafael:I want to make a withdrawal
[05/01 00:37] Jamison:We need someone with qualifications
[05/01 00:37] Donald:I can't stand football
[05/01 00:37] Wilfredo:I'm happy very good site
[05/01 00:37] Cody:I'd like to change some money
[05/01 00:37] Edwardo:Have you seen any good films recently?
[05/01 00:37] Wayne:I work here
[05/01 00:37] Kennith:Where do you live?
[05/01 00:37] Roderick:I support Manchester United
[05/01 00:37] Julio:A staff restaurant
[05/01 01:29] Russell:Insufficient funds
[05/01 01:29] Luciano:My battery's about to run out
[05/01 01:29] Kylie:Could you ask her to call me?
[05/01 01:29] Jesse:I study here
[05/01 01:29] Willian:A few months
[05/01 01:29] Lindsey:Whereabouts in are you from?
[05/01 01:29] Mckinley:What company are you calling from?
[05/01 01:29] Wilburn:I'm doing a masters in law
[05/01 01:29] Rodrick:An accountancy practice
[05/01 01:30] Kidrock:A few months
[05/01 02:24] Darell:Please call back later
[05/01 02:24] Teddy:I sing in a choir
[05/01 02:24] Alvaro:Hold the line, please
[05/01 02:24] Cristopher:I'll call back later
[05/01 02:24] Cedrick:I'm a trainee
[05/01 02:24] Dallas:I don't know what I want to do after university
[05/01 02:24] Titus:I hate shopping
[05/01 02:24] Kieth:Where do you live?
[05/01 02:24] Ariel:I read a lot
[05/01 02:24] Tommie:Thanks for calling
[05/01 03:19] Geraldo:I stay at home and look after the children
[05/01 03:19] Rueben:I love the theatre
[05/01 03:20] Lamont:How much is a Second Class stamp?
[05/01 03:20] Ashley:Do you like it here?
[05/01 03:20] Pablo:I hate shopping
[05/01 03:20] Hyman:Could I have a statement, please?
[05/01 03:20] Herschel:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[05/01 03:20] Carmen:I'm in a band
[05/01 03:20] Seymour:Could I have a statement, please?
[05/01 03:20] Tomas:What's the interest rate on this account?
[05/01 04:14] Harris:US dollars
[05/01 04:14] Shelton:Would you like to leave a message?
[05/01 04:14] Enoch:Until August
[05/01 04:14] Incomeppc:Can I call you back?
[05/01 04:14] Bobby:I hate shopping
[05/01 04:14] Johnny:Do you like it here?
[05/01 04:14] Augustine:I'm sorry, she's
[05/01 04:14] Maurice:I'd like to pay this in, please
[05/01 04:14] Brendon:Excellent work, Nice Design
[05/01 04:14] Quentin:I work for myself
[05/01 05:09] Kirby:We need someone with qualifications
[05/01 05:09] Johnie:I've got a full-time job
[05/01 05:09] Wilmer:What do you do?
[05/01 05:09] Simon:Where do you live?
[05/01 05:09] Maxwell:What do you like doing in your spare time?
[05/01 05:09] Reggie:Where's the nearest cash machine?
[05/01 05:09] Markus:We'd like to offer you the job
[05/01 05:09] Mickey:When do you want me to start?
[05/01 05:09] Edmund:Are you a student?
[05/01 05:09] Michelle:I'm a trainee
[05/01 06:03] Bernard:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[05/01 06:03] Audrey:Who would I report to?
[05/01 06:03] Mya:What sort of work do you do?
[05/01 06:03] Agustin:I'm at Liverpool University
[05/01 06:03] Aiden:I like watching TV
[05/01 06:03] Elliot:I've got a part-time job
[05/01 06:03] Gilbert:I'd like to cancel this standing order
[05/01 06:03] Bradley:I'm in my first year at university
[05/01 06:03] Kermit:Lost credit card
[05/01 06:03] Howard:Some First Class stamps
[05/01 06:58] Mathew:Through friends
[05/01 06:58] Erich:What sort of music do you listen to?
[05/01 06:58] Dwayne:Directory enquiries
[05/01 06:58] Lavern:I don't know what I want to do after university
[05/01 06:58] Simon:I've got a very weak signal
[05/01 06:58] Edmond:Photography
[05/01 06:58] Shelby:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[05/01 06:58] Carrol:Special Delivery
[05/01 06:58] DE:Which team do you support?
[05/01 06:58] Boris:Why did you come to ?
[05/01 07:52] Myron:Could you send me an application form?
[05/01 07:52] Kermit:How much were you paid in your last job?
[05/01 07:52] Austin:I sing in a choir
[05/01 07:52] Megan:The manager
[05/01 07:52] Octavio:I'd like to open a business account
[05/01 07:52] Jesse:The line's engaged
[05/01 07:52] Frederic:I love the theatre
[05/01 07:52] Efrain:We used to work together
[05/01 07:53] Mike:I'm not working at the moment
[05/01 07:53] Palmer:I'm a housewife
[05/01 08:47] Chance:I'm self-employed
[05/01 08:47] Elliot:The National Gallery
[05/01 08:47] Terry:I came here to study
[05/01 08:47] Royce:Where did you go to university?
[05/01 08:47] Bradley:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[05/01 08:47] Sergio:I was made redundant two months ago
[05/01 08:47] Brant:I love this site
[05/01 08:47] Wayne:I can't get a signal
[05/01 08:47] Arnold:Get a job
[05/01 08:47] Johnny:I'm a partner in
[05/01 09:53] Milford:I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
[05/01 09:53] Darwin:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[05/01 09:53] Francesco:I stay at home and look after the children
[05/01 09:53] Louis:Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
[05/01 09:53] Sammie:Yes, I love it!
[05/01 09:53] Dominic:There's a three month trial period
[05/01 09:53] Isidro:Languages
[05/01 09:53] Britt:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[05/01 09:53] Major:I'm in a band
[05/01 09:53] Williams:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[05/01 10:47] Darron:Could I borrow your phone, please?
[05/01 10:47] Mauro:I live in London
[05/01 10:48] Winford:This site is crazy :)
[05/01 10:48] Milton:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[05/01 10:48] Horace:I need to charge up my phone
[05/01 10:48] Deandre:The line's engaged
[05/01 10:48] Lucien:Please call back later
[05/01 10:48] Julia:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[05/01 10:48] Noah:What university do you go to?
[05/01 10:48] Marlin:Just over two years
[05/01 11:42] Laverne:Can you hear me OK?
[05/01 11:42] Goodsam:Sorry, I ran out of credit
[05/01 11:42] Ricardo:I've only just arrived
[05/01 11:42] Guadalupe:Can I take your number?
[05/01 11:42] Lily:I read a lot
[05/01 11:42] Stefan:Other amount
[05/01 11:42] Sarah:Some First Class stamps
[05/01 11:42] Brianna:Can I call you back?
[05/01 11:42] Walker:Could I make an appointment to see ?
[05/01 11:42] Jack:What sort of work do you do?
[05/01 12:37] Alfredo:I've got a part-time job
[05/01 12:37] Cameron:I'd like a phonecard, please
[05/01 12:37] Mike:I like it a lot
[05/01 12:37] Lifestile:Who's calling?
[05/01 12:37] Jasper:What university do you go to?
[05/01 12:37] Felton:Do you know what extension he's on?
[05/01 12:37] Tony:Have you read any good books lately?
[05/01 12:37] Columbus:In a meeting
[05/01 12:37] Porfirio:Go travelling
[05/01 12:37] Kelley:I'm at Liverpool University
[05/01 13:28] Destiny:Please wait
[05/01 13:28] Lightsoul:Please wait
[05/01 13:28] Ezequiel:Could I have an application form?
[05/01 13:28] Jack:International directory enquiries
[05/01 13:28] Katelyn:Can I use your phone?
[05/01 13:28] Clifford:Could I take your name and number, please?
[05/01 13:28] Darrick:Do you play any instruments?
[05/01 13:28] Natalie:Could you tell me my balance, please?
[05/01 13:28] Ashley:We used to work together
[05/01 13:28] Jake:Looking for a job
[05/01 14:18] Jamie:I've only just arrived
[05/01 14:18] Arlie:What's the interest rate on this account?
[05/01 14:18] Sheldon:What part of do you come from?
[05/01 14:18] Kidrock:I study here
[05/01 14:18] Jaime:I'd like to apply for this job
[05/01 14:18] Gordon:What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
[05/01 14:18] Bertram:How long are you planning to stay here?
[05/01 14:18] Simon:I'd like to change some money
[05/01 14:18] Lucius:How long have you lived here?
[05/01 14:18] Cole:How do you do?
[05/01 15:07] Jacques:Nice to meet you
[05/01 15:07] Marcellus:US dollars
[05/01 15:07] Robby:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[05/01 15:07] Gregg:I'm training to be an engineer
[05/01 15:08] Johnny:Thanks funny site
[05/01 15:08] Scottie:When can you start?
[05/01 15:08] Rocky:Do you need a work permit?
[05/01 15:08] Damon:I'd like a phonecard, please
[05/01 15:08] Rachel:I can't hear you very well
[05/01 15:08] Warren:Through friends
[05/01 15:58] Harold:I'm on holiday
[05/01 15:58] Bailey:I don't like pubs
[05/01 15:58] Emilio:Photography
[05/01 15:58] Waylon:I don't know what I want to do after university
[05/01 15:58] Anna:Enter your PIN
[05/01 15:58] Ashton:I work for a publishers
[05/01 15:58] Jenna:I'm doing a masters in law
[05/01 15:58] Harland:Could I ask who's calling?
[05/01 15:58] Waylon:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[05/01 15:58] Chester:I quite like cooking
[05/01 16:50] Mitchell:We work together
[05/01 16:50] Arlie:Lost credit card
[05/01 16:50] Jared:I've got a very weak signal
[05/01 16:50] Alfredo:I didn't go to university
[05/01 16:50] Dylan:Yes, I play the guitar
[05/01 16:50] Kermit:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[05/01 16:50] Arturo:A pension scheme
[05/01 16:50] Maurice:Could I have an application form?
[05/01 16:50] Evelyn:I came here to work
[05/01 16:50] Simon:Will I get travelling expenses?
[05/01 17:41] Lionel:We were at school together
[05/01 17:41] Coolman:Withdraw cash
[05/01 17:41] Melvin:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[05/01 17:41] Prince:Could I ask who's calling?
[05/01 17:41] Orlando:What part of do you come from?
[05/01 17:41] Rufus:I work here
[05/01 17:41] Oliver:Through friends
[05/01 17:41] Josiah:Where do you study?
[05/01 17:41] Luther:I can't get a dialling tone
[05/01 17:41] Jeremy:I want to report a
[05/01 18:32] Christopher:Canada>Canada
[05/01 18:32] Joaquin:How much does the job pay?
[05/01 18:32] Maya:perfect design thanks
[05/01 18:32] Darrel:Just over two years
[05/01 18:32] Clayton:Another service?
[05/01 18:32] Ryan:Where's the postbox?
[05/01 18:32] Keneth:real beauty page
[05/01 18:32] Morris:I'll put him on
[05/01 18:32] Graham:About a year
[05/01 18:32] Bruce:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[05/01 19:23] Zachariah:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[05/01 19:23] Dalton:this post is fantastic
[05/01 19:23] Rufus:Have you read any good books lately?
[05/01 19:23] Elvis:I'll text you later
[05/01 19:23] Amelia:We went to university together
[05/01 19:23] Rufus:What are the hours of work?
[05/01 19:23] Wilber:Will I have to work on Saturdays?
[05/01 19:23] Grant:How do you know each other?
[05/01 19:23] Dexter:Have you seen any good films recently?
[05/01 19:23] Erick:very best job
[05/01 20:14] Ernesto:I'd like to change some money
[05/01 20:14] Federico:How many more years do you have to go?
[05/01 20:14] Stefan:Recorded Delivery
[05/01 20:14] Micheal:I'm doing a phd in chemistry
[05/01 20:14] Snoopy:Until August
[05/01 20:14] Steven:I do some voluntary work
[05/01 20:14] Garland:I like it a lot
[05/01 20:14] Galen:I've lost my bank card
[05/01 20:14] Willie:I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
[05/01 20:14] Kaitlyn:I'd like to open a personal account
[05/01 21:05] Brett:Thanks funny site
[05/01 21:05] Hannah:I didn't go to university
[05/01 21:05] Lindsay:Not in at the moment
[05/01 21:05] Stacy:What line of work are you in?
[05/01 21:05] Ellis:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[05/01 21:05] Renato:Whereabouts in are you from?
[05/01 21:05] Damion:I'm at Liverpool University
[05/01 21:05] Alberto:I'm not working at the moment
[05/01 21:05] Stefan:I can't get a signal
[05/01 21:05] Ezequiel:International directory enquiries
[05/01 21:57] Nicholas:Which year are you in?
[05/01 21:57] Marlon:I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
[05/01 21:57] Earnest:This is your employment contract
[05/01 21:57] Ava:How do I get an outside line?
[05/01 21:57] Edmund:Stolen credit card
[05/01 21:57] Marcel:Very funny pictures
[05/01 21:57] Alejandro:Nice to meet you
[05/01 21:57] Mariano:Incorrect PIN
[05/01 21:57] Hobert:Do you play any instruments?
[05/01 21:57] Prince:I'd like a phonecard, please
[05/01 22:49] Joesph:I support Manchester United
[05/01 22:49] Darrin:Can you put it on the scales, please?
[05/01 22:49] Seth:It's a bad line
[05/01 22:49] Duane:Where are you calling from?
[05/01 22:49] Aaliyah:Have you read any good books lately?
[05/01 22:49] Laurence:My battery's about to run out
[05/01 22:49] Milan:I read a lot
[05/01 22:49] Duane:Canada>Canada
[05/01 22:49] Brendan:Children with disabilities
[05/01 22:49] Lucas:Could I have , please?
[05/01 23:41] Ayden:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[05/01 23:41] Russell:Will I get travelling expenses?
[05/01 23:41] Francis:real beauty page
[05/01 23:41] Curt:I'm a member of a gym
[05/01 23:41] Eduardo:this post is fantastic
[05/01 23:41] Lily:I enjoy travelling
[05/01 23:41] Bradford:I wanted to live abroad
[05/01 23:41] Kevin:I'm about to run out of credit
[05/01 23:41] Wilfredo:International directory enquiries
[05/01 23:41] Coolman:We were at school together
[05/02 00:34] Jesus:I'm training to be an engineer
[05/02 00:34] Carlo:I can't get a signal
[05/02 00:34] Darryl:I went to
[05/02 00:34] Santo:We used to work together
[05/02 00:34] Garrett:I'm only getting an answering machine
[05/02 00:34] Pablo:We'd like to invite you for an interview
[05/02 00:34] Mason:We were at school together
[05/02 00:34] Sofia:I've got a full-time job
[05/02 00:34] Unlove:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[05/02 00:34] Rosendo:Directory enquiries
[05/02 01:25] Abram:Where did you go to university?
[05/02 01:25] Charles:What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
[05/02 01:25] Winfred:Not available at the moment
[05/02 01:25] Freeman:Get a job
[05/02 01:25] Maurice:Remove card
[05/02 01:25] Brandon:What university do you go to?
[05/02 01:25] Elvin:I read a lot
[05/02 01:25] Theron:I'm from England
[05/02 01:26] Ramon:I like it a lot
[05/02 01:26] Michale:How much notice do you have to give?
[05/02 02:20] Stephen:I'm on holiday
[05/02 02:20] Gaylord:I've just started at
[05/02 02:20] Linwood:Canada>Canada
[05/02 02:20] Deshawn:Could I order a new chequebook, please?
[05/02 02:20] Arron:I'm doing an internship
[05/02 02:20] Moises:I don't know what I want to do after university
[05/02 02:20] Walker:I'm sorry, he's
[05/02 02:20] Major:Not available at the moment
[05/02 02:20] Dghonson:Could you please repeat that?
[05/02 02:20] Leroy:Hold the line, please
[05/02 03:14] Jacinto:Could I borrow your phone, please?
[05/02 03:14] Emerson:I'd like to cancel a cheque
[05/02 03:14] Walter:When can you start?
[05/02 03:14] Earle:I'd like to change some money
[05/02 03:14] Devin:We work together
[05/02 03:14] Eliseo:I'll call back later
[05/02 03:14] Hayden:A jiffy bag
[05/02 03:14] Goodboy:Your account's overdrawn
[05/02 03:14] Paige:What do you study?
[05/02 03:14] Sergio:I've come to collect a parcel
[05/02 04:07] Danny:Do you know the address?
[05/02 04:07] Reyes:I'll text you later
[05/02 04:07] Darren:Wonderfull great site
[05/02 04:07] Raymundo:Could I have , please?
[05/02 04:07] Elvin:Withdraw cash
[05/02 04:07] Seymour:I work for myself
[05/02 04:07] Wilton:History
[05/02 04:07] Elliott:Gloomy tales
[05/02 04:07] Quinton:I'd like a phonecard, please
[05/02 04:07] Titus:This site is crazy :)
[05/02 05:02] Gilbert:Directory enquiries
[05/02 05:02] Rafael:Are you a student?
[05/02 05:02] Carmine:How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
[05/02 05:02] Mariah:I'm doing an internship
[05/02 05:02] Leslie:How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
[05/02 05:02] Kurtis:I've been made redundant
[05/02 05:02] Adalberto:I'd like a phonecard, please
[05/02 05:02] Ryan:What do you do?
[05/02 05:02] Harry:Will I have to work shifts?
[05/02 05:02] Frederick:good material thanks
[05/02 05:57] Chong:I'm retired
[05/02 05:57] Peter:very best job
[05/02 05:57] Mohamed:real beauty page
[05/02 05:57] Ariana:When do you want me to start?
[05/02 05:57] Bryon:I'd like , please
[05/02 05:57] Walker:Can I call you back?
[05/02 05:57] Kenton:A packet of envelopes
[05/02 05:57] Pasquale:I work with computers
[05/02 05:57] Denny:I'm unemployed
[05/02 05:57] Ashley:I like it a lot
[05/02 06:52] Jackie:I'd like to apply for this job
[05/02 06:52] Keneth:I'm happy very good site
[05/02 06:52] Leonard:I'd like to withdraw $100, please
[05/02 06:52] Benton:Recorded Delivery
[05/02 06:52] Plank:What do you want to do when you've finished?
[05/02 06:52] Alejandro:I'd like some euros
[05/02 06:52] Tyrell:Could you ask her to call me?
[05/02 06:52] Scott:Where are you from?
[05/02 06:52] Earnest:What company are you calling from?
[05/02 06:52] Bobby:I'm self-employed
[05/02 07:46] Harlan:I want to report a
[05/02 07:46] Stuart:I wanted to live abroad
[05/02 07:46] Stephan:Will I have to work shifts?
[05/02 07:47] Bernard:I'd like to send this parcel to
[05/02 07:47] Kimberly:I'd like to send this to
[05/02 07:47] Eva:I'd like to transfer some money to this account
[05/02 07:47] Lemuel:What do you do?
[05/02 07:47] Brady:Cool site goodluck :)
[05/02 07:47] Ronald:History
[05/02 07:47] Jason:Punk not dead
[05/02 08:41] Ferdinand:very best job
[05/02 08:41] Britt:What do you study?
[05/02 08:41] Sidney:How much does the job pay?
[05/02 08:41] Sherwood:I'd like to change some money
[05/02 08:41] Parker:I came here to study
[05/02 08:41] Cooper:I'd like to apply for this job
[05/02 08:41] Scottie:Have you got a telephone directory?
[05/02 08:41] Norman:I'd like to open a business account
[05/02 08:41] Antoine:I didn't go to university
[05/02 08:41] Santiago:What's the interest rate on this account?
[05/02 09:48] Jayden:I'm in my first year at university
[05/02 09:48] Emilio:I'm a member of a gym
[05/02 09:48] Marcelo:I'm a trainee
[05/02 09:48] Ernest:What's the interest rate on this account?
[05/02 09:48] Marty:It's funny goodluck
[05/02 09:48] Ezequiel:I'd like to open a business account
[05/02 09:48] Efren:Could I have a statement, please?
[05/02 09:48] John:What part of do you come from?
[05/02 09:48] Kristofer:Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
[05/02 09:48] Tracey:It's a bad line
[05/04 19:19] 匿名さん:なんだこりゃw 一体何が起こったんだろう…
[05/23 13:04] ぐみぐみ:ただのスパムだろうと思うけど面白いから放置してたw
[07/05 03:46] よしよし:ログが面白い事に。そして阪神が5割に戻ったとはいえ、依然として貯金持ちがいないセントラル・リーグ。本当に実力のパですね…。
[08/08 10:19] 匿名さん:実力のパというより、DH制による編成の差と、方針の差って感じかな
[08/08 10:22] 匿名さん:小手先の戦術野球は短期決戦には有効だけど、トータルでみると出塁率・長打率が犠牲になる分どうしてもね…
[08/08 10:24] 匿名さん:例年の巨人みたく投手力・総合力があるチームならいいんだけど…今年は巨人もそうじゃないからねぇ
[08/16 15:06] 匿名さん:2号館時代のfreesoundで公開されていたとある音楽が聴きたいと思う今日この頃。データ自体がもう残っていないのだろうけど。
[08/19 21:56] ぐみぐみ:データは基本全部ありますけどね。おおっぴらな形では受け渡しはできないからなあ・・
[08/19 21:58] ぐみぐみ:今年のセはどこが優勝するのやら・・巨人は最近はマイコラス頼みが凄いことに
[01/09 09:53] 匿名さん:そろそろ生存報告でもw 皆様あけましておめでとうございます
[08/20 00:26] Carlie:Voy a acostumbrarme ahora cuando hable yo en alguna tertulia sobre el "pテδウntelo pテδウnselo" en usarlo con los acentos invertidos, asテδュ: "pontテδゥlo polonツゥテピ". Queda mテδ。s humorテδュstico y divertido, ademテδ。s de burlテδウn hacia la Izquierda Nefasta.
[12/20 23:51] よしよし:いかん、2016年ももう終わってしまいます。
[04/24 01:12] 匿名さん:そして17年も年度が開幕、もうここの生存を確認する為に来てるようなw
[05/05 23:13] いぐいぐ:生存報告・・ 生存しています。。
[11/26 07:05] スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ`ロレックス:ルイヴィトン リ秤コ コピゥ` 旗哈き爾芦偏壱。。2017階繁壥 ルイヴィトン スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ`旗哈きルイヴィトン リ秤コ コピゥ` 旗哈き爾芦偏壱。ゝ欝蠅椀梼mできるルイヴィトン コピゥ`旗哈きの爾芦宥リ恚鰍ナす。2017 互瞳ル|ルイヴィトン バッグ コピゥ`、ルイヴィトン リ秤コ コピゥ` 旗哈きなどの斌瞳が詰�W颪任�ヘ�に戻工します。100%携麗亟寔ですし、瞳ル|が頼莎です。ルイヴィトン コピゥ`,ヴィトン コピゥ`,ルイヴィトン コピゥ`旗哈き,ルイヴィトン スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ`,ルイヴィトン リ秤コ コピゥ`,スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ`旗哈き
[12/04 18:18] ロレックス 瓶モ� コピゥ`:スゥ`パゥ`は検凹T蠅鬟灰圦`します晩云の恷互シ奄フスゥ`パゥ`マゥ`ケットはブランド瓶モ糾K蒙宴卷宥佚リ怏モ検凹T蠅鬟灰圦`して、瞳ル|よくコピゥ`を燕して、2017恷も仟恬、忽�Hブランドの欄瓶モ汲ヘコピゥ`して、露順は率匯ただ2畠くありません�M弊順の1送の互い瞳ル|のブランドは瓶モ汲Rピゥ`して、輝糾のスゥ`パゥ`は瓶モ旧汢啜蠅鬟灰圦`して、參和の弊順の1送のブランドをリ怏咾靴ニ瓶モ汲Rピゥ`します�Yロレックスはコピゥ`して、ウブロはコピゥ`して、オメガはコピゥ`して、シャネルはコピゥ`します...なぜかというと恷互な瞳ル|のスゥ`パゥ`マゥ`ケットはNシ奄フ瞳麗をコピゥ`して仟恬を燕して恷も斌瞳に仟しく彭いて、及1を聞いを佚じて、芦伉してください、畠忽の゚\ルUが殪創です�@仟症(の殻業)の遧人がお誧いするのを啝哭します
[12/29 09:44] 匿名さん:今年ももう終わりですね、皆さまよいお年を~
[01/09 00:22] ぐみぐみ:こっち全然みてなかった・・みんな元気にやっているなら何より
[08/05 01:21] よしよし:あちゅい……。PCルームのエアコンぶっ壊れているので大変です。
[09/21 04:40] スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ` 僖:オンラインショッピングは恷詰�W颪砲覆詒ヒ圈o戴�@��X栁輿マ殪創!デザイナゥ`互シ宴Aイテムであなたの頼莎仟瞳、爾芦リ怏モ!云麗2018仟しいスタイルの互シ宴Aイテムは、オンラインアウトレット‐爾芦隠ヤ^/クリスマス寄り竃し!互瞳ル|、佚喘及匯そして詰�W�!セゥ`ル�GSALE�H�}協セゥ`ル�}協セゥ`ル!�}協セゥ`ルキャンペゥ`ン�}協セゥ`ル!暴たちは、お人�が云麗の戻工恷も芦いル�g瞳をル〓するチャンスをおメ竃ムしなく�@寄嫌護哈で云麗をリ怏嗽ミ!互シ遠オオンラインストアで輝芙は、恷互瞳ル|を戻工しています
[05/15 08:02] スゥ`パゥ`コピゥ` 検餤糾:ルイヴィトン - Nシ宴oッグ、リ秤コ 検餤サイト�塁益芙はリ怏咼襯、?ヴィトン) バッグ、リ秤コ、 弌麗譿などでございます。 益芙は仝佚喘及匯々をモットゥ`にお人�にご恪ユ竝狽ッるよう、 僕創は殪創です(晩云畠忽)�@ ご廣猟を豚棋しています! 和モ宸プBスj枠までお�い栽わせください。頁掲ごモEください!爾芦、芦伉、芦畠にお曙けします.瞳方リN源な斌斌瞳方も寄嫌に沿え、瞳ル|も寄徭佚です100%瞳ル|隠ヤ^�@恪ユ祓U錬.螢圦`タゥ`楕100�D!
[08/13 11:50] 匿名さん:そして恒例の生存報告を。生きておりますw
[06/24 13:08] PrayedsCreace:ブランドN級品ブランドコピー 代引 日本超人気スーパーコピーブランド時計激安通販専門店年最高品質時計コピー、国際ブランド腕時計コピー、業界唯一無二.世界一流の高品質ブランドコピー時計。 人気の売れ筋商品を多数取り揃えております。 全て激安特価でご提供.お願いし
[07/04 12:51] 碧M:遠い昔お世話になりました。なんとか生きてます。まだHPがあってびっくり。
[05/09 01:45] momaSmedo: ブランド腕時計バッグ財布コピー エルメス(バッグ、時計) シャネル(バッグ、時計)ルイヴィトン(バッグ、時計) ブルガリ時計 グッチ(バッグ、小物) ロレック(時計)オメガ(時計) IWC(時計)FRANCK MULLER(時計)1.最も合理的な価格で商品を消費者に提供致します。2.弊社の商品Ø
[05/13 02:17] momaSmedo: 大人気なブランドの新品が割引中圧倒的な人気があるセリーヌ、シャネルやルイヴィトンなどのブランドコピーの大量な新品が発売していて、超低価格と最高品質最高がお勧めたいポイントです。今、購入すると割引があって、絶好なチャンスを掴んで、こちらへチェックしまし